Recent content by cataklyst

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  1. Help how to create account on MSRF2.9

    As title states, i understand its old files etc, but looking for a bit of nostalgia, i got everything up and going, no issues connecting to exe etc but I cant create an account, i click create and the exe just shuts off due to nothing being in Param2/3, I've also tried doing it through SQL and...
  2. Help how to edit maps ??

    This is Far's post its in Legend of Mir Developement Zircon Mir 3 - Releases, scroll down a bit and you'll have the stand alone editor then objects :)
  3. Help 3.55 local server issue

    awesome, thank you so much :love:
  4. Help 3.55 local server issue

    are your client files available by any chance?, ive looked through mir files but cant find them, been using some of your DB's since its english :D
  5. Help 3.55 local server issue

    yeh ive finally managed to get on locally :D, imported sting's cruel DB for english items so gunna have a play about
  6. Help 3.55 local server issue

    forgot i had an old laptop and been messing around with it on there, can get it to select char now, just as i enter game i get booted so having a little mess around again to see if i can fix that part, thanks tho :D
  7. Help 3.55 local server issue

    hi everyone, im currently trying to set up a 3.55 server to have a mess around on etc, i followed the sting guide but used the "3.55 working" files, ive done SQL and ODBC, i think ive set up the IP's correctly , got armadillo to crack but when i open the client files provided within 3.55working...
  8. Calling all ogs

    I also played Kaori server many years ago, dont have any images of the old game or cant find any :( would be cool to see them again, i was HIXXY in game :)
  9. Help client not loading

    thank you @grimchamp for helping, there is no specific answer other than a possible issue with my OS, i set up a server on my laptop that worked straight away, ill format my PC and try again and will edit this post with results
  10. Help client not loading

    thats what i get when i run debug on visual studio for the client.exe
  11. Help client not loading

    only my speakers connect and headset, not on a VM or anything just W10 standard 1684935303 ok so figure out to how to compile the source code files from it ran the patcher again and i copied everything into the release folder to be...
  12. Help client not loading

    just done a video of how its all set up and what it does exactly, i deleted the log and started again with same issue as shown in vid
  13. Help client not loading

    downloaded from run client to download all of the files, copied client map into server maps, created map and start point, started server, load client.exe and then nothing happens afterwards just shows my desktop with the crystal mouse...
  14. Help client not loading

    downloaded and installed still same errors 1684883113 got the latest stable version but doesnt have any of those specified audio DLL's, i try opening the source in VS 2019 then tells me .NET doesnt target, i installed the .NET 7.0 and still has target issue, im not 100% on how to compile the...
  15. Help client not loading

    i downloaded the latest and run patcher not showing the audiofiles any where that show in the log, when i open source visual studio says .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 7.0