Recent content by Smidge

  1. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    My mate messaged at 2:20 to say it had gone down, this geezer has got everyone on strings it’s fantastic
  2. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Think it’s been down a lot longer than that
  3. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    You’ll be shocked to know I don’t think he even posted in his discord to announce whether he has released the rerelease of the rereleased version of the real release!
  4. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Ah I see, was wondering why his updates section was empty. Madness he’s not even addressed any of this
  5. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    He’s doing a relaunch? lol.. that ships sailed!! Has even updated his player base of this?
  6. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Can’t see it happening, it’s just pure ignorance at this point. Bloke don’t even answer his messages, not one reply to this thread at all. Shambles of a server launch… twice
  7. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Wouldn’t rush. It has no questline, npcs don’t work, mobs don’t drop so can’t get pots/gold to teleport. Not flaming the guy but blimey. For someone that’s worked all this time it’s a shambles, char select UI is completely bugged, it chooses wrong class 😅
  8. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Definitely was the last chapter..
  9. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    The fact this has been worked on for "years" is criminal, quests dont work, no mobs are dropping pots or anything, npc dont give you "compensation" unreal
  10. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    ITs mad that the same problem from 4 days ago is happening, how has it not been tested beforehand lmao. doesnt bode well
  11. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    Nothing wrong with the creator, his only criticism is that he hasnt updated the player base that was actually ready to play on launch. server looks really good and i know personally hes been working on it for a good couple of years. IMO, delay it until 100% ready and bug free.
  12. Discussion Legend of Mir II : The Last Chapter

    a lot of it was just a light bit of banter, i heard that people offered a beta test for him and he denied. could of been prevented and everyone could of been playing. good luck to him though
  13. Discussion CARNAGE MIR2

    Normal for him and his servers, a server comes up that challenges his (or just cos he is the only one with one running at the time) and he just disappears and cashes in
  14. Help Commands stop working / Skill CD

    Thank you, that worked! the @gm command isnt even working at all but its something thats not overly important atm just annoying more than anything
  15. Help Commands stop working / Skill CD

    As title says, some commands have randomly stopped working and i cant figure out why that is? @GM has just stopped working completely Also having trouble with some spell CD's, poison cloud is stuck at about 30k second CD and even when changed, its still stuck, same with FlameField >.< any...