Search results

smoochy boys on tour
  1. which server to 'join' :p

    so i wanna see how mir has evolved sort of: wondering what server has the most (flahsy) features atm? stuff i'd love to look at right now: - heroes (hear alot about them but never really played much with them) - quest system - tigers (again hear about them never even used one i think) - fishing...
  2. question: would this be ok?

    i've always wondered if ppl would be upset/find this totaly unacceptable put 2 images in a rar (sorry it's to big to post the images directly lol) question: would it be ok to upgrade so mir can use 2560*1600 (or any resolution), while keeping the game...
  3. just to prove i'm still doing some work :p

    hehe i know it's not alot (only done the display stuff so far) still need to code all the dialogs to start/finish quests :( right now i can start/finish them with an npc command :(
  4. 'bugs' in my files

    so what are the bugs, issues with my files? (other then lack of updates, new stuff) wondering what needs fixing etc, plz whisper me (or msn me) dont go posting them here lol
  5. heh hi :p

    i wonder: does any server still use my files?
  6. proposal to 'hosts'

    well as you all might have noticed i've been inactive lately (been playing soma tbh) i've been wondering on how to proceed in the future it's becoming obvious that atm the only servers that are really getting 50+ users are high exp ones now as you prob all know i dont like those and never will...
  7. private mir situation:

    as most of you know i absolutely hate high exp servers (and yes anything above 5*exp is high exp) now i admit that i aint been to bothered about coding and am lazy and stuff but at this point i seem to only find high exp servers online the low exp simply dont have anymore users (or like 10/15...
  8. Ragezone 2.3 Low Rate

    Ragezone 2.3 low rate Server launched! some info on the server: *exp: x3 (same as the old 1.9 without all the exp events) *special unique areas no other 2.3 server has like: - numa temple - frozen temple - jinchon temple - lostship * the mobs in these temples arent just special in their...
  9. cpu usage on dm2(+) servers

    think i should make all the drops, npc commands, ... case sensitive? this should reduce cpu usage on the files (although i cant predict how much reduction but well lets say that having a line of code case insensitive like everything is now takes 5times more cpu time then having it case...
  10. request: chinese client files

    anyone happen to have the sounds associated with the chinese hero 'dualcast' spells?
  11. new guild war system

    k i've been working on updating guild features and well part of that is creating a new system for guild wars currently what i have in mind: - both leaders (each guild has only one leader now with the new system :p) have to be on same map and both have to agree for the war to start - the guild...
  12. screenshots of latest addition to my release

    some screenshots showing the guild emblem system, first is showing the emblem (and where you click on it to change, aka in guild notice screen), second is the preview function it has so you can see what it'll change to, third is the final version you see on yourself / other ppl arround you when...
  13. opinion request regarding 'my' DM2 files progress

    k got some questions i'd like to ask to all server hosts (mainly the ones hosting with my dm2 files ofcourse) as most of you might know it takes me a long time to code features and fix things (mostly cause i dont wanna spend 24/7 doing so) now the thing is lately i've been having a hard time...
  14. Release my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

    k since gpl rules about sources is gone here's my files base set (outdated but well this is the basic set most ppl have started with): now how to get these running (verry basic guide): - first you install ms sql with mixed authentication mode so you...
  15. crystalarmour

    anyone know exactly what this does? some ppl said it has 2% chance of giving you extra hp when you get hit instead of taking it away others said it has a chance of 'countering' the attack so the person/mob hitting you gets the dmg you where suposed to get
  16. official ei skill tree thingy :p

    hehe just to show you how stupid qgo is here's a few pictures of all their skilsl and the skill tree in an attempt to make sure their translations wherent the same as GN's mir2 they gave all their spells names only a 5year old kid would name them :p
  17. Mir3 server emu source

    k lets keep this clear: codes and temp db: mirserver.rar: the infoserver, loginserver and selcharserver code i use old gameserver i totaly recoded (can do more but also has more bugs and doesnt work well with more then 1 person on) mirserver-new.rar...
  18. question conserning future of mir :p

    who here thinks that if i released a source of: - a mir server that can let you login using mir3 client - has create account pages - can make new chars - can walk, chat, hit,... doesnt have: - mob movements (the mobs appear but they do nothing except spawn) - npc scripts (the...
  19. New project revealed

    well since a few weeks now i been working on making my own ei server emulator (originaly started editing wings loginserver (this was a few weeks before he released it on lomcn tho :p ) right now i can get ingame, can get the game to show mobs and npc's, can show items, magic lists, ...
  20. looking for client exe

    anyone happen to have an official ei client from close after they stopped working on private servers (right after the xmass update) just want the exe really