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  1. trancefied

    What are you listening to

  2. trancefied

    New Staff

  3. trancefied

    Help NPC Shops Cost Display

    open Server > Item > Item Info Gold > under Image, give it another number between 121-127. for me I went for 121. see photos for clarification
  4. trancefied

    What are you listening to

  5. trancefied

    Help Game Gold buy link

    Good day everyone! for (Zircon) Game Gold shop, do I need to setup a website page or is it already added in the server code? I tried adding the server's Public IP and open port but it'd lead me to a server error. I hid the public IP and Paypal account in photos. any leads are very much...
  6. trancefied

    Help Setting up FTP for launcher to update client

    solved. thanks everyone for your help!
  7. trancefied

    Help Setting up FTP for launcher to update client

    that'd be great, thanks! will send a message here once the ports issue is sorted with ISP. for some reason they keep blocking them.
  8. trancefied

    Help Setting up FTP for launcher to update client

    it worked using IIS, thank you @Far! 1715121351 it worked as is. using the FTP username and password are useless here I suppose?
  9. trancefied

    Help Setting up FTP for launcher to update client

    Greetings everyone! I've setup a FTP server using FileZilla, managed to get the patch manager working and it uploaded all the files to the FTP folder. clearly launcher only supports HTTP, not FTP. how do I get the launcher to receive updates from the FTP server? I tried setting up http using...
  10. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    update turns out it was blocked by my ISP, all sorted now. thanks everyone!
  11. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    sorry it's a Huawei HG8145V5. I tried to google it, all the guides takes me to Port Mapping. asked here to see maybe someone would notice something that I'm missing in router or server settings.
  12. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    Good day and thank you for the thorough explanation! Yes I was trying to connect from another connection (different router/ISP). the public IP in the Zircon File is for the client that I was trying to connect to the server from. I believe using the server's local IP will only...
  13. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    I honestly don't know much about networking which is why I'm kind of lost. using the local IP works fine within the local area network ( & 192.168.x.x) and the client can connect to the server with 0 issues, but once I set the public IP on client it won't connect to server. I've opened...
  14. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    just added rule for both inbound and outbound but port is still closed
  15. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    still won't connect to server. checked for port and it says closed. not sure if its my ISP or there's something else needs to be done to open port.
  16. trancefied

    Port forwarding

    can someone please help with this? I'm setting up a Zircon Mir3 server to play with family and friends. everything works fine on a local network, but when I use public IP on client (Zircon.ini) it won't connect to the server. tried to open port on router and allow in firewall with no luck...
  17. trancefied

    Zircon Xenos - Discussion

    hey guys! I need help with something please ^^ whenever I login and try to hit a mob, client crashes.