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  1. MentaL

    Fitness apps

    I lost 8 stone in 10 months before rebuilding myself from a chronic health issue. I used intermittent fasting and just went zero carbs. It was hard initially but the weight flew off. I looked ill at the end though. You may see me at peak now but I've spent years recovering. If you need anything...
  2. MentaL

    Fitness apps

    Bulk you can get away with treats when its within macros. Cutting, losing weight, nono. I'm off to five guys on the weekend before the cut starts. I hear its awesome, I cannot wait. After that, I may even get a Burger. =)
  3. MentaL

    Fitness apps

    had an op in january, post op bulk almost at an end. Cutting begins Monday. Come on LOMCN, lets get shredded together.
  4. MentaL

    WANTED: Moderators

    how much an hr?
  5. MentaL

    Looking for a server that feels like....

    I'm embedded into your psyche.
  6. MentaL

    How to make my own movie dvd

    assalamu alaykum
  7. MentaL

    How to make my own movie dvd

    Or screen mirror. Or plex. Or upload to youtube.
  8. MentaL

    Twix or Bounty?

    you slag.
  9. MentaL

    Looking for a server that feels like....

    How kind.
  10. MentaL

    Mir 4 Dev Log

    I can confirm the secret identity of the helper is none other than Boris Johnson himself.
  11. MentaL

    Anyone have good quality Mir footage?

    just screenies.
  12. MentaL

    Invite plz

    Invite plz
  13. MentaL

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

  14. MentaL

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

    Last mmo I enjoyed was new world but maxed quick. Its a good game. Rift meets Warhammer.
  15. MentaL

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

  16. MentaL

    Activated uBlock Origin again

  17. MentaL

    I'm ancient.

    Same here minus the Glaucoma. My great grandmother had it though. Headaches used to ruin me but one thing that did help by chance was a bluelight filter in the evening. Generally, wherever I am I need to either close the curtains or have suitable light to see. Lights are bright and intense for...
  18. MentaL

    I'm ancient.

    Ive got astigmatism. Reading on black causes imprinting on my vision. I can only read off light themes.
  19. MentaL

    I'm ancient.

    His Paypal got confused at seeing cash and freaked tf out.