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  • Micke
    Micke reacted to 3gena's post in the thread The6Arks Mir2 with Like Like.
    I have been working to improve monk logic attack and some systems such as Codex - Duel plus the client graphic and blending code I have...
  • mir2pion
    mir2pion replied to the thread Help Map Editor Query.
    When I get to make a map editor guide, I might reuse in it whatever help I made here and elsewhere. Transferring to a new map size is...
  • blazee
    blazee replied to the thread Is Euro Mir having legacy?.
    Ban his main account while your at please..
  • blazee
    blazee reacted to 3gena's post in the thread The6Arks Mir2 with Like Like.
    I have been working to improve monk logic attack and some systems such as Codex - Duel plus the client graphic and blending code I have...
  • Nathan
    Nathan reacted to mir2pion's post in the thread Help Map Editor Query with Love Love.
    Moving relatively small map area like BW town might be done simply by selecting the town area and saving it as object.x But if map...
  • Nathan
    Nathan replied to the thread Help Map Editor Query.
    Thank you for your in depth reply, its much more helpful than you can imagine! I did originally think of saving the town as an object...
  • FirEStorm
    FirEStorm reacted to 3gena's post in the thread The6Arks Mir2 with Like Like.
    I have been working to improve monk logic attack and some systems such as Codex - Duel plus the client graphic and blending code I have...
  • xXxLegendxXx
    Welcome back Legend. Your input is highly valued.
  • xXxLegendxXx
    xXxLegendxXx reacted to mir2pion's post in the thread Request Looking for a team with Wow Wow.
    That reminds me of this animated objects that came up around here, maybe with some resources upload or what, I forgot for which mir it...
  • PoPcOrN
    PoPcOrN reacted to Tai's post in the thread Is Euro Mir having legacy? with Haha Haha.
    aka @Omnibus aka you? You should probably seek advice from a medicial professional..
  • This looks awesome. Sorry if I missed it anywhere but I wanted to ask what your Game Shop consists of?
  • 3gena
    3gena replied to the thread The6Arks Mir2.
    I have been working to improve monk logic attack and some systems such as Codex - Duel plus the client graphic and blending code I have...
  • SmavidDavid
    SmavidDavid replied to the thread Is Euro Mir having legacy?.
    Multiple accounts is bannable yes? yes?... OBITUARY?!?!?
  • Tai
    Tai replied to the thread Is Euro Mir having legacy?.
    aka @Omnibus aka you? You should probably seek advice from a medicial professional..
  • Boys. I ****en want to see if the euro days are still around. That kezza guy I used to fight with until he got banned for abuse. My...