PSA: Wash your hands and #staythefuckhomeplayingmir

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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
Don’t think it’s even sunk in to many of us in the UK yet, people are so deluded here and stuck in there selfish ways. The virus hasn’t even really taken off yet, wait till it reaches 10/15/20k and then these deluded ****s might see what’s actually going on, what we need a lock down, 3-4 weeks, army on the streets, people can go out get there shopping go home, then in 3-4 weeks people would be over the virus or unfortunately died of it, but it’s the only way, otherwise these silly ****s will still be spreading it because there so stuck up there own arses. I’m not some sponging **** who sits and waits for his JSA check to clear, I work 6 days a week to keep food on the table and clothes on my family’s back and a roof over our heads, so yer a lock down will cause me grief but it’s nothing that can’t be then sorted out, i am all for a complete lock down to get rid of this **** and get on with life.

#rantover wash your hands.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
Agreed there needs to be a lockdown apart from essential workers.
The area I live had a few more confirmed cases yesterday and people are still being retarded and going out when really not required. The amount of people I see walking passed my house chatting with others is just depressing, most have a newspaper in their hand or the usual bags of toilet rolls etc.

The panic buying is getting worse... people waiting for Asda to open earlier (see picture from local FB page).

Most businesses & work places have been shut round here for a while yet people seem to just treat it as extra days off work. That picture shows whats happening most days now round here and I imagine most other places.

What did piss me off quite a bit is I have friends that work in shops round here and they've been telling me some proper horror stories that have been happening for example a woman that works at the co-op was spat in the face of by a angry customer, local pharmacist got threatend, people taking their full familes (both parents.. all their children) when doing their panic buying.... why not leave one parent at home with the kids? nope too retarded for that as they need all their parnters..childrens hands to carry their panic buying items.
People buying baby formula when they don't even have kids/baby... apparently to use in such things as coffee, thus adding to the shortage.


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Jan 10, 2009
What you both are saying sound familiar to me... You are now where we were 2 weeks ago.

Here they have to choose which patients to treat depending on their chance to survive, just like when you're at war.
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
Let’s see tonight at 8:30pm what our fabulous PM has to say, is he going to have the bolloxs and lock us down like these other country’s are advising before it’s to late, or is he going to give it the same old #StayHomeSaveLives that not all of us can abide by due to our workplaces etc not shutting down and forcing there employees to work.
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Jan 10, 2009
Let’s see tonight at 8:30pm what our fabulous PM has to say, is he going to have the bollox sand lock us down like these other country’s are advising before it’s to late, or is he going to give it the same old #StayHomeSaveLives that not all of us can abide by due to our workplaces etc not shutting down and forcing there employees to work.

We're already at 500 deaths in 24h and going up. Fortunately we're starting to see a decrease of positives in some zones. In the next few days we'll hit the "top" of the curve at around 1k daily deaths and then it'll start going down.
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LOMCN Veteran
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Sep 18, 2009
Let’s see tonight at 8:30pm what our fabulous PM has to say, is he going to have the bollox sand lock us down like these other country’s are advising before it’s to late, or is he going to give it the same old #StayHomeSaveLives that not all of us can abide by due to our workplaces etc not shutting down and forcing there employees to work.

Hope he does a lockdown but doubt very much he will. It annoys me somwhat by them saying stay at home or your putting yourself & others at risk... he's right but not putting the lockdown in place is also putting people at risk as there is too many borderline retarded people that just simply won't do the right thing unless they are actually forced too.

Had a look at them seaside cams today that stream the front at places like bridlington, scarborough, filey, whitby etc.. there was still loads of families still walking around freely. Stoping & chatting to people like theres nothing happening.

Then because Mcdonalds is closing for the time being... you have the utter retards queing on foot & by cars to get their fill before it shuts. The news was showing how close the idiots was standing to each other & how the traffic was backed up, few pictures of the panic buyers today too:

Something has to be done to stop these morons.


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LOMCN Developer
Jan 14, 2014
The UK is finally in lockdown after the announcement earlier by the PM... can only go out for shopping for essential items (as few times as pos), work(only if it cant be avoided), looking after vulnerable person, or 1 period of exercise (walk, run), groups of more than 2 will be dispersed, and all none essential shops are to close

...for 3 weeks at least!

I'm sort of happy about this (obviously I would prefer not needing to) I work in a care home and we have been closed to visitors for I think its about 2 weeks now to protect the residents... only takes one staff member to bring it in though... still uncertain times

how many of you are off work ?
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Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
Not currently off work, because management only just agreed we should work from home. So I believe my day tomorrow will be spent organising something I suggested a couple of weeks back and get everything sorted so me and my team can continue to finish our work from home.

Hopefully this time tomorrow I'll be in bed awaiting a day working from home on Wednesday, but we'll see...


Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
No lock down for me either, my workplace involves a lot of manual handling so not possible to “work from home” and they refuse to close, he never really stated what, “all none essential shops” but company’s have loopholes I guess... the fact he stated “none essential shops” instead should of been “none essential businesses” which covers a far more area of work places then “shops”
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
No lock down for me either, my workplace involves a lot of manual handling so not possible to “work from home” and they refuse to close, he never really stated what, “all none essential shops” but company’s have loopholes I guess... the fact he stated “none essential shops” instead should of been “none essential businesses” which covers a far more area of work places then “shops”

Apparently if a shop/place of business sells an excercise bike or bike in general then they are allowed to stay open. Thats totally not going to be exploited by greedy uncaring business owners.


Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
So why not shut all business then, why only non essential shops lol? It’s literally not done much at all, all the tubes etc all still packed full this morning with people going to work because all he’s done is shut non essential shops lol, and even then because they sell exercise stuff they are allowed to remain open 🤦🏻‍♂️ He needed to shut business all together, like Spain Germany Italy etc, other yer we will be seeing a lot more deaths...
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
UK will end up with 4k+ deaths, super spreaders still working, London tube packed this morning.

Its no wonder London is a hotspot for the virus.

People should have to show evidence of why they need to use the tube because as we all know there will be hundreds if not thousands still using it when not actually required.
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
People are not just going to stop going to work, they can’t just ring in and say oh the government has advised to stay at home, they will most likely end up not getting paid or even losing there jobs, I couldn’t just ring in a day oh hey I’m not coming in I was advised to stay home... now if our fabulous leader stated “all non essential business” it would have been a different story, he wouldn’t have just advise people to stay at home, the company would then be told to shut, meaning people could then claim for loss of earnings etc... they can’t just call in and say I’ve been advised to sit at home (unless they actually have the virus) so I won’t be in for the next however long...


Jan 10, 2009
People are not just going to stop going to work, they can’t just ring in and say oh the government has advised to stay at home, they will most likely end up not getting paid or even losing there jobs, I couldn’t just ring in a day oh hey I’m not coming in I was advised to stay home... now if our fabulous leader stated “all non essential business” it would have been a different story, he wouldn’t have just advise people to stay at home, the company would then be told to shut, meaning people could then claim for loss of earnings etc... they can’t just call in and say I’ve been advised to sit at home (unless they actually have the virus) so I won’t be in for the next however long...

You can call and tell them you're coughing and have a slight fever. They'll tell you to stay home.
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
You can call and tell them you're coughing and have a slight fever. They'll tell you to stay home.

but I don’t want to lie about my health? I’m just getting the point across, it’s not as easy to just stay at home, the prime minister should close all non essential businesses not just shops if he wants this to stop. No good telling and sending people text messages asking to stay at home, make people have to stay at ******* home like everyone else has done.


Jan 10, 2009
but I don’t want to lie about my health? I’m just getting the point across, it’s not as easy to just stay at home, the prime minister should close all non essential businesses not just shops if he wants this to stop. No good telling and sending people text messages asking to stay at home, make people have to stay at ******* home like everyone else has done.

I was joking.

You can't do anything about it. Same thing happened here. They only allow "essential" business to remain open but those who work behind closed doors are also allowed as long as they keep the distance, wear a face mask and gloves, etc.

If you think you company isn't taking any measure and you're exposed to the virus you should be able to inform the police anonymously.
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LOMCN Developer
Jan 14, 2014
I'm actually trying to plan to have even less trips outside for the next month or two... even shopping for essentials I can probably avoid because of the way I live I have always had a good store cupboard for food and what really is essential anyway? I already have rice, pasta, lentils, beans, chickpeas, potatoes, stockcubes, onions, flour, bread flour, herbs & spices, frozen fruit and veg

only thing really is fresh fruit and veg... but was thinking I could just go for a "exercise" walk and forrage some stinging nettles to make some soup... and use the dandelions in the garden for some salad leaves... then in a few months I will have a tree full of figs to eat :) yum yum

I could probably grow some potatoes, radish, beans and salad leaves too if I have any viable seeds left in my gardening box... just in case this lasts a lot longer than expected I think growing stuff will be a good idea
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