Recent content by Abyss!

  1. I search this things

    what do yo mean?
  2. Help With NPC

    Could be that when anyone buy the questitem, it never be sold again?
  3. Problems With Server

    Helloo, I use JOB ENVIR FILE,and master/student don't work, where can activate to work? I press @accept and don't work Other problem with HORSE For upp at horse,I press @M For off of the horse,I press @L Strat3g this: STR_USERCMD_HIDEHORSE:l STR_USERCMD_RIDEHORSE:m How change this for...
  4. Boss Killing

    How I do to say "bossXXXX is killed by playerXXXX" when that boss is killed by a player? I searched but i didnt find any post related Thank's :S
  5. HouseKey Seller

    Hi,Someone would so nice of copy the script of HouseKey seller? For example when shopping HouseKey1,Don't sell more HouseKey1,to be sell HouseKey2. Thank's
  6. Lava maps don't run

    Hello,i colocated lava maps in client and mud3/map. Dont run the maps for any servers,all maps are seen black. MapInfo: [D006 Flames_F1 0] DARK NORECONNECT(1_013) [D007 Flames_F2 0] DARK NORECONNECT(1_013) [D2900 Flames_F3 0] DARK NORECONNECT(1_013) [D2901 Lava_F1 0] DARK [D2902 Lava_F2 0]...
  7. Error with NPC

    Hello,the problem is as follows, Put in Merchant..: Bichon1\Commision-0 Z0 449 387 Johnny 0 18 In Market_Def: (MarketDef\Bichon1\Commision-0) The script MERCHANT of Real Bichon. When open the game,The npc appears in Bichon,449,387 (Good),and check the NPC but don't...
  8. Item Problems

    What is the column to make item Cuality? Thank's
  9. Item Problems

    Always appear ADV FIRE .... :S
  10. Item Problems

    Hello friends,Need help,When I make item in SQL, all is good but when enter to game and make item,the item appears with ADV Fire or Dis...X... Any Ideas?:( Thank's
  11. Spawns problem

    Hi all, i created a server and i need to know how i can do the mob respawns... I use the mir3multitool and i edited de mapinfo.txt but i cant do any respawn... How i can edit the respawns ?? Sorry if there are another post but i search and dont find any one :S
  12. Wil Editor 4.0 Download?

    Hello! Friends :), Where can download Wil editor 4.0? If it can be translated for english Someone knows? Thank's PD: I searched and nothing found.. ..::: Abyss :::..