Recent content by AlphaTrace

  1. siggy status code

    Why don't you just look at where the image is coming from, and insert it into your siggy inside the image tags? Much easier, besides I've answered it before if you just search.
  2. Hmmm Question =\

    I gathered your trying to host a mir server as its in this section. I mean, what would your setup be? Example: Internet (USB Modem) -> Server or Internet (ADSL Router) -> Server etc. Or perhaps something like mine? Internet (PCI Modem) -> Server(Software routing)...
  3. Hmmm Question =\

    Think about it, you posted last, last post mentioned a router AND your the thread starter. Take a wild guess lol. ¬.¬
  4. Hmmm Question =\

    why is a router device needed anyway? Care to tell us what your trying to do, as i have a feeling a cheap network card will do.
  5. Hmmm Question =\

    You don't. Unless you can find a hub which offers port forwarding or a DMZ, which I'm sure would make it a router. Best of luck.
  6. Hmmm Question =\

    G: but will we get problems tryin to host a server via it? A: In short - yes. Doesn't get much simpler than that.
  7. Hmmm Question =\

    In short - yes.
  8. Expanding The Forum

    I don't really see where you would get the community for other servers from, although I'm not saying it isnt possible. However I think Lomcn should stay as it is, as mir is what it specalises in, and if pmir was 2 die then so should lomcn. What you need is more people willing to take an...
  9. Forum Update

    Any chance of a PocketPC friendly skin since your on the job?
  10. Error with my pc or front end??

    The problem is that u have multiple entries for the same runtime files. LeoCrasher did make a fix, email or msn her would probably be the quickest way.
  11. PC online status programming?

    <? $domain=$_GET['ip']; function lookup_ports($hport,$who) { $fp = fsockopen($who, $hport,$errno,$errstr, 4); if (!$fp){ $data = "<img src='off.gif'></img>"; } else { $data = "<img src='on.gif'></img>"; fclose($fp); } return $data; } echo lookup_ports("7000",$domain); echo "<font face='Arial'...
  12. PC online status programming?

    Well in that case, does the place you intend to host these images have PHP support? As then the script could simply check for a defined port on your IP, and dish out an image based on whether its open or not.
  13. server ads

    Guess you've never heard of a PM or the Complaints and Suggestions forum. What if they are down just tempo, or are experiancing other short term problems?
  14. Mir2 Server On Linux

    Yes, however you will need a windows machine to run the BDE Admin. Im sure there is a solution to this, but I cannot see how.
  15. Fat32 = Ntfs

    Why use partition magic when WinXP has the tools to do it? 1. Click Start 2. Select Run from the Start menu 3. Type cmd in the textbox and click OK 4. In the command window that opens type the following: convert c: /fs:ntfs Ideally though you should use something like Partition Magic, as...