Recent content by BambooPandaX

  1. A New server opportunity for everyone.

    I found a Mir group on facebook that was quite active. Someone on there posted a new server Guiardians Of Light, on their forum they talked about the c# files and that lead me here :) Im asking people if they want to be part of a team. I cant do everything myself, I dont have the skill set...
  2. A New server opportunity for everyone.

    Hi guys, I'll answer all your questions up to now here. Once we have a team organised ill give you my mobile number and company number and skype. BambooPandaX is my main account and only account on here. I understand being a bit dubious, but I will verify myself for want of a better word to...
  3. A New server opportunity for everyone.

    Hi all, My name is Andy, I own and run an IT and Telecommuncations company, and have done for the last 10 years. I also played EuroMir server from beta to close and loved it. The guys have done an amazing job with CrystalMir, and I would like to see Mir back up and running to its former glory...