Recent content by bigboy59

  1. Project69 - 3.5 years old with 99.99% uptime and the highest usercount EVER!

    Scorp why do you have all them stupid e-mail accounts and you don't answer any? My bro did play untill his account got ****ed and your too lazy to read e-mails.
  2. Client Please..

    What client do I need then? I have the offical 1.9 client and I tryed the exe u posted with that. I don't want to configure all this ledu client **** to play on one server.
  3. Client Please..

    just tried it, renamed it to mir.exe and placed it in the mir dir. It starts up with Server in a yellow circle at the top left, then just says connection closed, when the servers up with the standard 1.9 exe.
  4. Client Please..

    You can't use the standard Mir 1.9 client to connect to 1.9 servers because there is no way of creating an account. I managed to turn the auto patcher off but couldn't make an account. And I don't want to piss around with this ledu client and the ip changer / config ****.
  5. Someone do a decent PvP Server

    enough said, all these leveling servers suck bring back the old days.
  6. Link?

    ty, but whats the chinese website that actually made the emu though?
  7. Link?

    Anyone Got A Link For 1.9 Server Files and Ledu client(to connect to 1.9 servers)? or the chinese website please.
  8. Any Decent Fun PvP Servers?

    link? RNDpro website is offline.
  9. Any Decent Fun PvP Servers?

    Are they any decent fun PvP servers out atm? With like level 40 start and decent kit with new skills? Don't want to play all this levelling ****, bring back the old days Mods I have posted it in both sections because I want to know about two different versions, please don’t be blind and delete...
  10. Anyone Want To Take The Time To Update Me?

    Why have you deleted my looking for server thread as well ffs? Try learning how to read before pressing delete.
  11. Anyone Want To Take The Time To Update Me?

    I left the scene like 3-4 years ago, now I see there are servers up to 1.9 and all this **** like Ledu client and emulators etc. What has happened? Can people update the situation to me please and where can I download 1.9 un touched? Regards