Recent content by bogusnerd

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  1. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    yeah went through that as well still d/l and checking stuff out getting nowhere i d/l the slimdx.dll and copied into my system now non of my other mir3 work >.< not sure of the other files from mirfiles now :(
  2. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    that works for mir3 as well?
  3. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    yes mate i have the official client and its patched but still not working as yet-dependencies probably.its on
  4. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    hey! thanks for reply,i have gotten the client now and its done patching but it looks like it needs further dependencies or working on that. yes the social security number is an issue i have to deal with{not sure how tbh=start lurking outside Korean restaurants in London maybe:p}...
  5. mir3 kor

    thank you very much it is doing the patching as we speak!! :D:D:D(y) hello again OK so client has finished patching however when ya hit play it gives you the busy blue circle at your mouse and nothing it possibly a dependency issue? will check mirfiles
  6. mir3 kor

    i am not after anything like that i only want the official client for mir3 korean server
  7. mir3 kor

    hello! thanks i will pop him a msg:D
  8. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    aye that was my first thought tbh i am sorting that at some point soon however its that id number that's part of the setup that foxes me most{as i keep getting 403s i dont even know if its still relevant hence my queries to Ardbeg
  9. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    hello mate thanks for reply.i should have been more detailed in what i meant to ask you. i am trying to get onto official mir3 Korea,however when i visit the website clicking on links mainly gets me a 403 forbidden msg or a msg form website saying i need to login {chicken/egg scenario } so i...
  10. mir3 kor

    did you get the files etc i want to play the official mir3 as well.any help gratefully received:D
  11. download mir 3 korean version

    hello i would dearly love to get onto the official mir3 servers {played on there years ago} is there a guide you could point me to? cheers:D
  12. Official Korean Mir 2 quest

    hello! how did you manage to get onto official mir2? is there a guide you could point me to please? cheers:D