Recent content by fanyi12345

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  1. Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords U nailed it. thx for the post :P we are still waiting for a good server too :P hope see you in there XD
  2. Affinity Mir - The Final Chapter

    beautiful . downloading right now
  3. Euthenia Mir2 (Crystal Mir)

    how long more? countdown?
  4. Affinity Mir - The Final Chapter

  5. Euthenia Mir2 (Crystal Mir)

    alright looking foward for this XD
  6. Euthenia Mir2 (Crystal Mir)

    ok im downloading this . have this mir2 went for beta yet ?
  7. Euthenia Mir2 (Crystal Mir)

    do we have a forum website for this game?