Recent content by gillby

  1. gillby

    [MIR2] - [ReTRoN V2] - [HighRate] - [2.3]

    argh i have so much power i am the super GM. or... u were rude and insulting and got a 24hour ban to wash ur mouth out with soap and come back with a renewed sense of maturity... realistically it would take more than a day for that but well...
  2. gillby

    Iphone 3G

    i wouldn't think so. it's totally functional for just about everything u need as standard, so why change it? I love mine, haven't even considered doing anything to it.
  3. gillby

    Whould you say this is drinking too much

    yes that is too much... and really, if ur old enough to purchase the alcohol ur also old enough to hear all the warnings and would have to be thick as two short planks to need to come on here and ask if its too much... me thinks wat you really wanted was some attention +10 p.s your spelling...
  4. gillby

    The Sims 3!!!

    im dl a torrent of it, none of that rapidshare crap for me :P sooo excited, i love interior design and play sims mostly for the customisable homes/neighbourhoods
  5. gillby

    levels of lomcn members?

    oh yeah thats so much better! Sorry boss can't come in... some ancient 8yr old mmorpg has been rereleased, i must play it for a week straight...
  6. gillby

    what is smaller than a chapter?

    paragraph... 'today was just another paragraph in this ever challenging chapter of my life' i made it up but i can see it taking off!
  7. gillby


    thanks for the info, i'll defo be downloading the game and having a look see. i need my mmorpg fix :P
  8. gillby


    So i've had my fill of Mir 2... i'd love to go sick with my opinions and have a nice big satisfying rant but i won't. What i'd like to know is... will there be / were there previously an influx of cheats and botters? I'd like to give this game a red hot go but im not going to bother if it...
  9. gillby

    Problems... Again

    my pc recently started turning itself off because it 'thought' it was over heating. Turns out my cpu fan connection to the motherboard had come loose. Sometimes my pc was fine othertimes it would clock up 80C and turn itself off. Wobbled the connection a bit and its been fine for days. Its...
  10. gillby

    Best word in the world

    dishevelled - i just like it :D
  11. gillby

    Taking requests.

    no rush at all :)
  12. gillby

    [LOM2]-[ReTRoN 2.3]-[Med-High Rate]-[ONLINE]

    forums... where are they. bit of info when u've got a sec plaz
  13. gillby


    i couldnt get thru the first one kept timing out 2nd one was the 217
  14. gillby

    twitch on my left finger

    go get ur elbox checked out, u could have a trapped nerve there.
  15. gillby

    Assassin Info!

    i suppose they should be failry evenly balanced with ac and amc, similar to tao stats, i wonder if they have any buffs, a speed buff would be cool... extra sneaky. Is there a full explained list of their spells anywhere?