Recent content by Heavenspimp

  1. Heavenspimp

    DB person needed plz

    I can do dbs if u want i been lookin for a team to join for a while :) add me to msn [email protected]
  2. Heavenspimp

    Gate 0 Doesnt Open :(??

    Yea Fire thats how its gettin for me i really cant be ****ed, might just join a team. Thanks for the ideas lads but they aint working :( if anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to ask :D
  3. Heavenspimp

    Gate 0 Doesnt Open :(??

    Hi ive made a few servers before but never had this problem occur and was wondering if theres any known solutions for it. Basically, my m2server loads everything it needs to and gets to the bottom where it is meant to open gate 0 but it doesnt and then when i try get on it offline i get conn...
  4. Heavenspimp

    Provence teleporters

    hi all i cant seem to find any provence teleporters anywhere on mir3 LOL! are they actually in game yet? ....
  5. Heavenspimp

    Looking 4 fast lvling mir 2 server

    My server...but im looking for a host
  6. Heavenspimp

    What is the BEST server of all time?

    hmm Zarloc :P
  7. Heavenspimp

    Re-Opening Zarloc?

    YoYoYo...its skib! :D re-open zarloc m8 and get msn or some way and we'll make it huuuuuge :P
  8. Heavenspimp

    NewRealm Server

    FTP: NewRealm IP: This is a new server which is in testing stages and need users to come and test it, more users the better. Server Stats.. Start Level: 7 Start Cash: 10k KitMan where u start. Cash easy to get. x100 exp, any mobs that exp maxes is changed to 65k exp. Easy...
  9. Heavenspimp


    i am goin to play as i tryed it before and it wasnt too bad btw hey!!!!!!!!! how u been YoYoYo/Tex u in makin of any servers? pm me or post here :P
  10. Heavenspimp

    Would like to help people out!!

    tex m8 u got msn yet? if not what server u making?!?!? :S anyway i wanna elp u :P pm me or sommet