Recent content by King

  1. How Good Was We-own???

    Sounds like a good idea m8, Im glad someones finally trying to put weown bak up, as it was a really popular and good server.. /King
  2. Idea for a server

    good idea m8, but its pretty basic :( /King
  3. DieHard Down 4ever

    Shame the server went down... good luck in finding a new host... im sure someone will want to host it.. /King
  4. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    FFS not him agen :( /King
  5. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    YIPEEEE finally that twats gone :) /King
  6. DieHard Down 4ever

    Didnt even last a second... :( /King
  7. Wots the WORST server if all time?

    I dont flame your bro so stfu and crawl back under that rock you came out of :) /King
  8. Wots the WORST server if all time?

    All Ive gotta say to you is shut up noob.... YOU NO NOTHING...LOSER :) /King
  9. Wots the WORST server if all time?

    lol... standing up for your bro are we? and the reason why my servers never up because I dont have a host... babydragon puts his up and then takes them down.... pathetic.... just like you wnkr :) /King
  10. Mir Support Team

    I have noticed that a lot of people have problems with there server, which cant always be solved with a simple post, so I have decided so set up a support email, so that people can get one to one help with there servers, please read the below on intructions on how to send the email.. 1. Write...
  11. GTA Vice City Multiplayer Or Online

    When it first comes out it will just be on PS2, but when Microsoft get there hands on it it will be out on XBox within a couple of weeks me thinks :P /King
  12. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    Im not lieing, I made the chips myself :) /King
  13. Wots the WORST server if all time?

    You smell like an old peoples home :) /King
  14. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    Im thinking of upgrading my pc too: AMD Athlon 7700 + 8020 MB DDR Ram 700 GB HDD 700 MB Shared Video memory 100 GB BroadBand Connection 100 GB Router All in all, this shud be betta than bill gates PC :) /King
  15. MY pcs betta than yours :)

    Im planning on using the PC for hosting multiple severs, although Im only gonna host good servers, I am thinking of perhaps taking over Judgment server and Fantasy, so have no fear folks, KING is here! /King