Recent content by Magica

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  1. Magica

    Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed (Foundation v2) - Full client now available. Im sure it wont be long, he will get it up as soon as he can.
  2. Magica


    So y did i get banned from Starlite for doing nothing wrong apart from being in The_Mafia
  3. Magica


    Iv got same problem ip ok but cant get on
  4. Magica

    starlite server thread

    It says servers up but i cant get on it, does this mean im banned and if so can you tell me wot im supposted to have done ?????????
  5. Magica

    Torozor (1.9 server)

    Thanks Vickers your a star
  6. Magica

    Torozor (1.9 server)

    Can any1 tell me the names of the Dyrags Temple maps plz or send me then thanks
  7. Magica

    ProphecyServer back up new IP

    Yes so be nice to each other :fthrower: