Recent content by Owange

smoochy boys on tour
  1. Immortals 1.9 Pre BETAS

    The server is up, for more info cheak out the forums. Love yaz, kthnxbai.
  2. Justice Server 1.9

    Who said it was orginal justice? im just using a name i thought was best for my server. YOU go die already. kthnxbai
  3. Justice Server 1.9

    Justice providing you an event tonight at 9. Hope to see you all there. /Justice
  4. Justice Server 1.9

    Justice Server 1.9 Server Stats : Exp - x2 Euro Rate. Monster Spawns - 5mins. Gold - x3 Euro. Starting level is level 15 Starting gold is 50,000. Quests : 30+ hard quests to keep you happy and entertained! Items : Rare items can be found on bosses and normal items can be found on normal...
  5. Justice Server 1.9

    Justice Server 1.9 Server Stats : Exp - x2 Euro Rate. Monster Spawns - 5mins. Gold - x3 Euro. Starting level is level 15 Starting gold is 50,000. Quests : 30+ hard quests to keep you happy and entertained! Items : Rare items can be found on bosses and normal items can be found on normal...
  6. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    What are server homepage/forum for? To get more info about the server. It aint up because theres a timetable whitch you'll see on
  7. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    Tbh, there used to be 20 people on, now its down to 5. Whats going on people? You forgot that this is the ownage server! Come on on because im ready to help you all level and assist u. Where to go and etc. etc. Event tonight.
  8. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    Yes its up now. 5 people on.
  9. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    The server is now Online
  10. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    Its nearly 1 lool.. it'll be up soon hopefully because Nicky wakes up at 12 and has his breakfast late and then his fresh to go on the comp :) Just gotsa wait for him to put him.
  11. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    Will probs be up at 10-12. You go to bed lool and come back later :)
  12. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    It's offline atm but will be online later on this morning. Looking forward to seeing game members online. Edit: Aparently, theres gonna be a wipe before going online since there is a few items and mob bugs. So hopefully that will be fixed. A few things added ingame too so :) Also, we'll need...
  13. Evolution 1.9 ; Now Online!

    Join Evolution in its re-launch BETA! Homepage/Forum: Downloads EXE: http://www.Evolution-Server.Net/downloads/fullexe.rar Full Client: Currently being uploaded Maps: http://www.Evolution-Server.Net/downloads/Maps.rar Starting Level: 15 Starting Gold: 100k...
  14. whats the url

    Thats just sad. You could've just posted the url instead of doing a gay screenie & putting stupid dots, im sure they look good to you.
  15. whats the url

    to extreme-servers w.e its called i need the website plz urgent ty.