Recent content by sepiroth

  1. sepiroth


    ROFL unlucky chav :tonbricnk
  2. sepiroth

    The last four months of my life...

    in moderation NOT excesively i do hate junkies though aswell as my dad because they steal stuff from his business..
  3. sepiroth

    The last four months of my life...

    i'll only ever do alcohol i've seen drugs and never wanted and never will try them basically i ****ing hate junkies :)
  4. sepiroth

    Trouble in setting up Mir 1.9 server

    where did you download the 3in1 thing? The link for it was down but i got it else where,however, no config.ini file came with it :( can someone link me up?
  5. sepiroth

    Tekken 5

    o___0 nice screenies XD **** double post = /
  6. sepiroth

    Tekken 5

    lei (the police guy) and jin (the guy who adjusts his glove thing?) are my best players i can beat anyone with them tekken 5 :D
  7. sepiroth

    Heres a good free mmorpg

    nice :)
  8. sepiroth

    Expanding The Forum

    yeah lineage 2 is a very good game. I reakon (sp) with the skills and experience with people here with mir servers we could probably transfer this over to other games such as lineage. Give other games a chance lomcn although many are opposed to it. I think the forum would expand greatly with...
  9. sepiroth

    GTA San Andreas

    i'm getting for my bday :) rofl there was a programme on about violent video games..OMG because i played manhunt i will definately kill someone! -__-
  10. sepiroth

    The New Handhelds

    psp looks sweet.. the other consoles won't do as well i think with the specs it carries.. how are games put on it ? lol cos if you can connect to pc then ppl can get free games just like the ngage lol
  11. sepiroth

    Good PC Websites if you wanna build a computer cheaply go to that.. i got my parts from there the last time..well i went to their shop in glasgow for the parts. Building a pc yourself ain't really hard it's just knowing which part goes where and setting up the os bla bla bla bla lol
  12. sepiroth


    are j00 somehow colour blind or downloading weird videos? :P
  13. sepiroth

    Making custom sigs for people @ a price :)

    so true who the hell is going to pay for a sig wen someone could do it for free.. lol OMG EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS THING THAT SHOWS UP ON MY SCREEN..IT COST ME £5!!!! :mer: -_- no!
  14. sepiroth


    get camtasia that's pretty good for recording :) don't think it's free now though :P
  15. sepiroth

    Funky Cubes

    lubly i think :P