Recent content by Viridian

smoochy boys on tour
  1. Interlude

    Re: Interlude MiR III Any idea roughly when server will be back up? Minus the lack of custom items and possibly an integral system, this server rules tbf. First mir 3 server i've enjoyed in a while :)
  2. Torozor 2.0 High Rate Server 24/7

    I think your main exe from needs updating. Personal opinion. Downloaded it, didnt take long tbf, but then i installed, tried to connect, didnt work, then downloaded the auto patcher, once i had, it said i have 422 files to patch at 2.04gig. Hmm. Was that just me?
  3. Need help looking for original mir 1.4 full exe

    thanks dude, i actually found one a few minutes after, but thankyou all the same :D
  4. Need help looking for original mir 1.4 full exe

    hey people. i know this is a stupidly random and stupid question, i needed to get my hands on the original mir 1.4 files. ive done most of my server (as im following the merged 1.4 server guide and i want to get to learn about Dbing and stuff before i make a 1.9 server or mir 3 one). So...
  5. Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed (Foundation v2) - Full client now available. just finished dling the full client n i got sum random error didnt even get log on screen, guessing server still offline?