Recent content by wilko

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  1. [King] 20130713-46 magic engine service

    how do I access that console to enable pet explosion etc? Thanks
  2. [King] 20130713-46 magic engine service I replaced these for sure. but might of been a few others
  3. [King] 20130713-46 magic engine service

    ok sorted it now. I copied over the 3 gates & key again. replaced a few other files including the setup.ini and reconfig it. - now I am game, so Happy days.
  4. [King] 20130713-46 magic engine service

    - this is the error message I see on the client itself. Note I am using win xp . installed on D drive and kept the server name and ips the same.
  5. [King] 20130713-46 magic engine service

    Im currently struggling to log into the game. after I have loaded up the client, it allows me to enter my username & password and then the client closes down without any warnings? any ideas? I currently have my time zone set to china.
  6. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    I think the client exe should be the same that is in your mud folder for me its E:\MUD3.mir.exe I have got the server working ish, I seem to be getting stuck at the log in after I have selected the char and click to go ingame. can someone tell me if this is supposed to show closed? Thanks...
  7. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    My hardware fingerprint is still the same
  8. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    Tried reentering the key and the same happens. I have language and times all set
  9. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    I get this error when trying to run the ei_20061128.exe can you tell me what it says please? Thank you chinaboy your a super star
  10. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    Hi chinaboy here is my hardware fingerprint A734203411E9AE56B1AE9DB3F44B130F
  11. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    Thanks, I was trying to get it to run with VM xpmode but I now realise that the Hardware fingerprint will change every time I reboot the VM.
  12. 2013/02/27 Updated 42 magic engine【Support gemstone inlaid】

    Thanks chinaboy, what file do I run to start the engine registration service? sorry this is my first time in trying to run the king server files.
  13. Poisoning [RedPois] -- Not Working?

    reduces mobs attack damage is what I thought it did.
  14. Entering Game Issue

    check if your mir3 folder is caled Legend of MIR 3 or Legend of MIR3 space between the mir and mir3. thats 1 thing i can think of if its 1 , change it ot the other and visa versa.
  15. Holly

    your link comes up with 1 search?