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  1. [GSP] Gsp drop % issue

    Which means: Drophour 10,000 and 500,000 percent? ITEM_ID 136 = LoopOfParalysis (ParaRING) ...
  2. Request Map tools (mobs, time, plasces etc..)

    Map tools (mobs, time, places etc..) Can any1 post map tools, for check: mobs, quantity, places, and time. I had this tools but lose he, and dont remeber the name =[
  3. Refine Weapom

    Hello, Someone, tell me, how the refining NPC swords? The purities of the BIOS influence? The items, qualities, influence? Does anyone know what percentage of success? Thanks in advance!
  4. Mir3 GSP Virtual Machine

    Have any way to play with virtual machine? I have alot bugs with WIN10, but dont want downgrade my SO.... TY for any asnwer...
  5. Request Mir 3 server and cliente files!

    Good day! Someone could upload all the necessary files to set up a server? Tools, Videos, would be very interesting because I see that there are many variations, and eventually I get lost with so many files, names etc ... I know what I'm asking can be very difficult to do, but I'm sure it...