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  1. GreatFlame

    Please help - i cant create a game account on any server

    Which ever server i download i am not able to complete the ''make an account'' i.e if i d/load requim or zentuar etc i open the loader fill out the details its asks: login id password crypt... email question 1 answer 1 question 2 answer 2 then authorization code fill it all out and i get...
  2. GreatFlame

    Someone please bring out a high stat high exp server!

    servers out atm are so ****e, im sorry if you think othewise. but, there are so many threads with people saying that servers out now r rubbish and that usercounts r going down. the only time usercounts are ever high are on high stat servers! example: torozor alpha omega someone who is able...
  3. GreatFlame

    db Guide

    If there is a guide out there i havnt found it so please dont b angry if there is, i have done various searches and not found what i require. i am after a std database guide that explains what means what, i know for example that ac2 on a weap is acc. but im looking for a guide which explains...
  4. GreatFlame

    Game Gate Trouble Please Help

    Ive done a few searches and nothing has yet helped me my game gate wont open and i havnt got a clue how to do it can you help?
  5. GreatFlame

    having a few problems, could u help?

    im having a few problems occur with mi 3g server here r the screenys showing my problems, if u could help i would most appreciate it, thanks in advance.
  6. GreatFlame

    Cant select a char

    I dont know y cus it all looks fine to me but i cnt seem to select a char, the selchar gate is closed and im not sure wot is wrong with it can any1 help, if so thankyou very much
  7. GreatFlame

    Account Creater

    EDIT: SORTED IT OUT, PLEASE DELETE THREAD, THANX. Hello, ive bin having trouble with getting an account creater, i hav my files rdy to use but without an account creater i cannot get others to b able to logg on to my server (obviously). i hav run many searchs using different words to find...
  8. GreatFlame

    'test' server???

    lo y'all i noticed that a server called 'test' was in the server count and had a relitivly high ppl count...any1 know anything about it as i would like to try it but found nuthing in the forums on it. cheers in advance
  9. GreatFlame

    mir client

    hello all, after being away from mir for about a year now i have decided to come back, but i cant seem to find a client to download, only patches for a client, ... so i ask, could someone please give me a link to where i can download 1 many thanks in advance to those who help Alex
  10. GreatFlame

    mir3editor tool plz hlp

    can sum1 please explain to me how to use the mir3editor needed for job server files thanx in advance
  11. GreatFlame

    speed of skill

    hi ppl id just like to know how i can change the speed of a skilll in the database commander thanx in advance
  12. GreatFlame


    b4 i installed my router my server cud get online and past gates i then installed the router and ppl tell me that they cant get past gates i just need to know wot i need to do so they can get on my windows xp firewalls r turned off... dunno y it cant get past gates plz help thanx in advance
  13. GreatFlame

    router trouble

    hi all i baught a new router and i was wondering if some 1 could please tell me wot im supposed to do to enable my server to cum online. the router ive got is a sparkcom rc04 thanx in advance
  14. GreatFlame

    will and wix

    wots the difference between magic.wix and magic.wil?
  15. GreatFlame

    Map Editor

    Can sum1 please explain to me how to use it and how to edit alrdy existing maps.
  16. GreatFlame

    Looking 4 fast lvling mir 2 server

    As title says im looking 4 a GOOD fast lvling mir 2 server, any 1 got any suggestion?
  17. GreatFlame

    Mir 1.4 client

    Hi all I would just like to know where i could download mir 1.4 client from many thanx