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  1. bdd tiles and objects

    Fantasy going good i think (although i'm not too much involved in it), but Johnyl1 is hosting which is great, and there are usually 30+ users online, and the community is good as ever.
  2. bdd tiles and objects

    lol, true :S Forums going great really, but server isn't going so great (trouble with hosting) but hopefully OK soon
  3. bdd tiles and objects

    Oi, u stealing our patch? >.< Nah i dont mind really :P help urselves...
  4. Judgement Server - New Host and Restart!

    Name: N/A IP: N/A Down At The Moment We apologise but the server is currently OFFLINE due to hosting problems but we hope it will be up again today (Sunday 8th) or tomorrow. After the rough (re)start we hope it will be good again once we get a good host! Website -
  5. Judgement Server

    Yes this is the server originally made by Stanislav but it isnt associated with him anymore as he didnt want private servers associated with him or his website.
  6. free servers

    Fantasy server -
  7. EI Image Viewer

    Anyone know where i can get this? Thanks
  8. wat server are up?

    Kaori EI Server