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  1. DarkCrusade Weapons (20)

    Sorry guys, had problems with origonal host. m0rph...
  2. 6 New Weapons

    Nice release mate :)
  3. Killmasters Hum Patch

    Why not? Thats a bit sucky lol, Thats like TD releasing the server files, but not giving M2Server.exe out with them..... m0rph...
  4. DarkCrusade Weapons (20)

    This pack contains 20 weapons we have added to our server. We decided to re-release these after spending many hours following guides written in broken english, or little snippets of help given to people who have more experience in mir servers than we do. (These were the first weapons i added...
  5. Killmasters Hum Patch

    Nice release!!! Does anybody have the graphics for DnItems.wil, Items.wil and StateItems.wil, or know where i can get them from? Thanks in advance, m0rph....