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  1. 3ds max help

    so i guess no one can help me =/ admin delete this post plz
  2. followed a tutorial on making basic table

    I followed a tutorial on making a basic glass table in 3ds max 7 :D i would put a link to the tutorial if i get permission from a admin
  3. 3ds max help

    nope 7 they pritty similar tho ?
  4. 3ds max help

    When i want to :blam: around in the prespective mode it doesnt let me pivot up and down so its like fixed cam i can turn left and right and strafe left and right but not pivot up and down n e seggestions Ty In Advance
  5. Chappell show

    its on tonight at 10.10 on fox 720 i think its changed tho but its pritty funny show :tongue1:
  6. Whats new?

    :D long time no see Milo :P Ive still got the source codes for mir2 they alowed now or not? had em so that u could make a client that would run on n e server even if they only alowed there client but didnt enjoy the delphi code and gave up after a while
  7. Whats new?

    We still ahead of mir2 Europe or we behind them now i aint played for about 2 years i think :D
  8. Does n e 1 remeber me

    im comming back soon
  9. Big problem

    Hi i been having a problem when i play games where my pc just feezes and repeated sound plays and my screen turns off not sure if its my graphics card overheating or not stats on pc r 6600 gt oc 128mb 1 gig ram
  10. {NEW} Britain Server (1.9)

    so how we register an account?
  11. insomia players MUST READ V IMPORTANT

    tbh it was mighty gay that u kept exploting npc's u wernt really gettin back at host u were just pissing all of us off lol
  12. Equidox Server

    must be the 0.1% down time lolz :rofl:
  13. mir1.4 client source code ...

    u got msn i think its 2 big to send in an email lol + u need delphi 5 and delphi x which is direct x plugin no other version of delphi seems to work with these
  14. mir1.4 client source code ...

    yeah i have i got it to login screen and havnt bothered n e more atm not enough time on me hands
  15. Rage 1.9 Good Idea??

    i think it will be a very good idea tbh i havnt played n e good servers lately and i do like rz server hehe
  16. help needed

    found out wat it was lol all by me self somethin so easy >.<'arial' instead of admin can delete this thread
  17. help needed

    i get this error when compiling in delphi [Class.pas] raise EReadError.CreateRes(Ident); then i press F9 again and get this msg error reading invalid property and it highlights code in class.pas again raise EReadError.CreateResFmt(@SPropertyException, [Name, DotSep...
  18. Delphi request

    I got it mate msg me with ure msn and i send to u :P
  19. Chinese Servers On LOMCN?

    so how do chinese come onto our servers like when koreans were all on phoenix?
  20. Hey - Need your vote

    thats 100% m8 :D