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  1. I can now admit

    i can now admit to hacking skully's account on R-N-D-P-R-O lol what a bumsuck loser who has crap password and has his ID as his ingame name lol gz gz gz now go cry in your Mir3Reality
  2. Command help

    dammn :xso i have to either make a npc using DB or edit char in SQL kk thx :(
  3. Command help

    is there another way 2 do it ? with out making npc
  4. Command help

    yes i do @chgjob taoist Test but it makes the GM account Taoistnot the account (test) i want taoist ....
  5. Command help

    know a few commands but i need help do i add a taoist skill to a wizard or change a wizard to tao ?i tried @chgjob Test Taois tand @Trainmagic Test Resurrection 99 any other ideas or commands thx ?
  6. Make more then 1 server

    u can only run 2 different servers if u hav 2 different connections i think
  7. Dreamscape Server Releases.

    this is not full server files is it ? wheres account cruel , game3g hero 3g and manage folders for the database if any1 got this translated please post there
  8. Apocolypse

    This is skullys 7th server including hes failed attempt at -R-N-D- last week aka kolton also Kolton aka skully and GOLD are the new owners of -R-N-D-P-R-O- many people are angry because kolton + GOLD closed down -R-N-D- and ran off with the donations
  9. After posting this problem now posting again with evidance

    cheers m8 and sorry for spamming thx and posts etc :) GOING GET RID OFF THT CRAP STUFF NOW :) :fthrower:
  10. After posting this problem now posting again with evidance

    i tried re-intaling it but the SQL link on sticky no longer works, any other links? thx
  11. After posting this problem now posting again with evidance

    iv'e re-installed it restarted pc wated few days it worked i just Repaired my system incase it was tht now im gna try re-install agn thx
  12. After posting this problem now posting again with evidance

    Iv'e had a SQL problem once and now i have some evidence i have come back to get some help thx :)
  13. SQL error...

    If you try to use the Group Policy Object Editor to configure security policy settings for event logs on a remote Microsoft Windows Server 2003 domain controller, this operation may not work as expected. Specifically, when you double-click the security policy setting for the event log in the...
  14. SQL error...

    for some reason i cant open up SQL or any error without Teamviewer ill click SQL and nothing will happen , usally with TeamViewer ill get the Error and it'll say report you problem to microsoft and at the bottom Send or DontSend
  15. Decision final

    i have decided on making a 255lvl CAP server since the files are english translated has any1 got a guide for it??? I must sort out my SQL first tho it has error thx SpyKiD
  16. SQL error...

    its not even loading up for me now but usally it would come up with a DONTSEND or SEND error thing
  17. SQL error...

    SQL error... when i try to load SQL it will come up with the Dont Send Error for no reason, i have re-installed SQL and re-installed the files but still will not work any ideas please? Thx SpyKiD
  18. When it comes to Translating

    thx alot kyerom
  19. When it comes to Translating

    FileName: 升强元素 < translating these 2 see wat they are Inside file : < need to translate this?? ;;积分升强元素 By Jerome (233258888) [@StongerPoint] { #SAY ___{FCOLOR/10}您好!欢迎使用积分系统,您目前还有{FCOLOR/10}<$HLPOINT>点积分{FCOLOR/12}\ {FCOLOR/2}┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓{FCOLOR/12}\...
  20. When it comes to Translating

    such as the Quest files are 1/2 chinese which i am on atm (i am only changing the file names from chinese) do the txt inside the files/documents need changing?? i am also using 3.55 files coz i want a good lvl 65k CAP server >.< cant find any translated english files!!!