Search results

  1. Gohan

    "Pimp guide to gaming"

    Click here to check out the guide Thought i would share this with you im gunna sign up soon probs ;).
  2. Gohan

    Check gold?

    how do you check gold in NPCs
  3. Gohan


    I got my old account back this is Ingeronic btw, people probs dont remeber me now tho from ere lol ><.
  4. Gohan

    Mir 1.4 download link

    Mir 1.4 Link Thanks to the people who found these and posted, i thought id help out people who cant find the files by posting it in a thread, saves time tryin 2 search for it so much, also thanks to project69, who don't now it but are helping to get more people playing private servers :)...
  5. Gohan

    Joining Server Team, Please

    I want to JOIN a server team, not make one, join one :D. Hopefully i get no1 asking to join, like in some other peoples threads. Anywayz, i can: Make npc Make small maps, aint had much pratice so fare Edit DB, but can't do all the acc and luck stuff Make dropfiles Come up with good ideas for npc...
  6. Gohan

    SabbathServer Regester to see full forums, serverwill be tested in the next few days on a test host, the testers have been chosen but u can ask to test the next time its up for testing.