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  1. SexyBabe

    Smaug Server Chat

    Be nice if we could get a confirmation from Smaug, that he's stopping with the server. And if he decides to quit, well, it was nice to play on his server for couple of days. even tho it wiped every day.
  2. SexyBabe

    Smaug Server Chat

    I have tried about 20 times to make an account, and every time I get the same problem. And since you say "Account do work fine", do you mind telling me and everyone else what we are doing wrong?
  3. SexyBabe

    Smaug Server Chat

    Meh cannot make an account, be nice if people that made their account helped the rest
  4. SexyBabe


    If had that error once, it was being caused by the CruelDragon3d.exe file not being in the mud3 directory. When I moved it to the mud3 dir, it worked for me. Good luck
  5. SexyBabe

    Magic error...starttime exception

    i tried that and it regenerates the chinees version Under the english version in the ini file. +magicskill=( and the line under are english(rest is chinees) +i got gold ingame in the shape of pots...cant use em cant drop em
  6. SexyBabe

    Magic error...starttime exception

    if i do that there comes an error. Then ini full again but still without magicskill=( +its chinees not english
  7. SexyBabe

    i need the magicskill=( part from CruelDragon3g.ini

    as title says... Thanks In Advance,
  8. SexyBabe

    Magic error...starttime exception

    my crueldragon3g.ini is chinees should I also change something in the bookconvert.txt btw? cuz I think it refers to the chinese book en manual names
  9. SexyBabe

    Magic error...starttime exception

    Now i dont get an error with transulated hl_magic but skills ingame doesnt work nor transulating books. Any clue m8?
  10. SexyBabe

    Magic error...starttime exception

    i was using that magic.. i find it a bit compilicated though...1ts this 2nd that...sounds easy but where do put those files exactly(with paths). Im very noobish 1st mir3 server...
  11. SexyBabe

    Mobs,Guards,Items wont load...

    can u explain that? and mongon is for mobs only right? so what about the items?
  12. SexyBabe

    Getting stuck at ServerName part..

    Found it...were few files under it:)
  13. SexyBabe

    Getting stuck at ServerName part..

    i checked SQL and it is set to like the rest..and all gates are ---][---
  14. SexyBabe

    Getting stuck at ServerName part..

    As title says i fill in password and login(IP Then i come to ServerName part(servername at left top corner) i see the server name and then it doesnt go further.. hope someone can help me out. Thanks In Advance, Wirie
  15. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    lol thats not it either :P
  16. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    well i just looked but i cant open the monster and spawn table as well get the same error (for monster load data i get, error accessing database(monster). and when a press enter a message pops up run-time error '91' object variabel or with block variable not set" hope someone knows how to fix...
  17. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    wow ur much help....... please dont spam ma post, i need help ><
  18. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    but tis still same bug*
  19. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    done that, reinstalled everything like 5 times now, its all set right =/
  20. SexyBabe

    error with mirserver editor

    when i load item database it gets error saying , Error accesing database (stditems) error type mismatch what am i doing wrong,