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  1. mousey

    Fallen Mir2 Crystal

    intent to launch server hopfully winter 2024 launch but this maybe a bit optimistic work started a few months back im a long way from launch but feel free to check website out Website - Bichon Has Fallen Discord - Fallen Discord Story Bichon Wall has Fallen into the hands of the Omas all the...
  2. mousey


    i like the idea of an npc turning up at a random day ill put that in as for fencing and spirit sword ive given warriors spirit sword aswell as taos for the extra acc and given taos slaying as warriors tend not to like slaying as it gets in the way of tdb items will have common normal legendary...
  3. mousey


    cool ye I'm responding because I want a good server that will last and would like imput from the community all quests are gone and I'm rebuilding new ones to suit the server ill get a better ad up closer to open beta just wanted to see what people wanted and if what I was working on is a step in...
  4. mousey


    thanks noted I will work on a better advert maybe even a youtube vid? I did realise as I was relpying most the stuff I was replying I probably should of put in my advert I was trying to make it simple and to the point but maybe that was the wrong way to go thx for the helpful reply :-)
  5. mousey


    wow I think your view is very much miss guided ive put many hours into this server a minimum of 5hrs a night apart from Tuesdays cus that's pool night I have spent a month and a half every night testing adding items changing stats changing hps balancing players balancing mobs redoing the caves...
  6. mousey


    brill feedback what didn't u like about it? because I don't think you have even logged on
  7. mousey


    currently just myself doing everything been doing loads of research >.< only things I'm not 100% sure on is how to make a download for the client but for testing I'm using standard crystal server files - database has been striped bare and being redone to suit the server style so the standard...
  8. mousey


    updated the info to be a bit more informative now that we are getting closer
  9. mousey

    Legend of mir 2 EuroTrash New Server

    my server thread has had 1 reply in 2 weeks what did I do wrong this guys got a few comments and hasn't even changed the exp file >.<
  10. mousey


    Mir2TheLastStand Mir2TheLastStand the land of Mir has been lost to the mighty Oma's and their minions BichonWall MonchonWall SabukWall and CastleGiRong have all been lost the last few mighty players have retreated to the MagicTown created by a powerfull Wizard the mobs have not yet found this...