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smoochy boys on tour
  1. [CD3.55] create sets item bonus?

    I mean the typical set that if you have some equipment you subsidizes 80 dc extra for example...
  2. [CD3.55] create sets item bonus?

    I'm looking and can not find the sets to modify them to my liking .... What is the part of the sets crueldragon? thanks ty!! :)
  3. [CD3.55] create sets item bonus?

    Hello there! I would like to know how I can create a set of items with bonus to equip items. For example: Equip: 1- sword 1- ring 1- bracelet Set Bonus: +50 DC As you can create sets? Thank you very much.
  4. [CD3.55] Not all objects appear

    Thanks Chimera. So there is no solution? There is no way to check if the "benedictionoil" object is on the map? It would be something like this: #IF CheckItemMap BenedictionOil #SAY The object is in the map #ELSESAY The object is not on the map This way you could check if the...
  5. [CD3.55] Not all objects appear

    I'm just trying to create a random object around the map as follows: --------------------------------------------- #ACT Mov A0 0 ;;Number Map; Movr D1 500 ;;Random X 0 - 500; Movr D2 500 ;;Random Y 0 - 500; FormatStr "%s,%s,%s,50" %A0 %D1 %D2 DropItemMap "%A9" BenedictionOil 1 1...
  6. [CD3.55] Not all objects appear

    Do not know why but when I throw objects on the map with the code: DropItemMap "32,226,150,50" BenedictionOil 1 1 the object appears sometimes and sometimes not. No because it is, if it is because the object falls in some inaccessible area, and therefore the object does not appear. I do...
  7. [CD3.55] item drop random X and Y ?

    thanks you Mistery! (Tranquilo por el ingles, yo tambien uso traductor XD eres español no?) Tengo otra duda.. I have new question: When I use the following ratio: 10, okay running, but when older ratio use as: 100, 200, 500, etc. The object does not appear .... Anyone know why? Ejample...
  8. [CD3.55] item drop random X and Y ?

    a question ... How could I do to make an item out on a map without giving your coordinates so that the item falls into a coordinate at random? thanks ty!!
  9. [CD3.55] event autorun ?

    very thanks kastaña ;D
  10. [CD3.55] event autorun ?

    Hi again :( I'm trying to get an event is automatically run every so often, but it still fails. I've tried: #IF HOUR 22 #ACT etc ... What happens with that is that this code is executed only if I'm connected to that time, if I connect after the event has not been run. I do not get...
  11. [CD3.55] Drop items by code?

    aaahh ok, no problem ;)
  12. [CD3.55] Drop items by code?

    ¿? : RpS_blink:
  13. [CD3.55] Drop items by code?

    wow thank you!!! 1 question: ItemName 1 1 First 1 what is it? Second 1 is number objects ok!
  14. [CD3.55] Drop items by code?

    Hello friends! I was trying to create an event which release various items around the map. But if that's not possible ... For example: When you want to drop mobs around the map you use "MonGenP" but there is also something to drop items? Thank you very much, I hope your answer.
  15. [CD3.55] No save flags!!

    A little help is much appreciated! thanks you, Chimera! :D
  16. [CD3.55] No save flags!!

    No, the server I'm riding I'm programming all from 0. I am adding and programming npc by npc and creating my own events, so what I have right now for no flag in use. ------------------------------------ EDIT: I'm sorry. Yes save flags!. It was a failure in the sql and therefore did not...
  17. [CD3.55] No save flags!!

    Sorry for posting so many problems. I do not understand as my server can be so full of bugs..... The problem is happening now is that the flags are not saved. When logging is reset to 0 For example, NPC: #IF check [001] 0 #SAY <test blag/@test> #ELSESAY you flag is 1 [@test] #ACT set [001]...
  18. [CD3.55] Bag Drop ?

    Idx Name Stdmode Shape Weight CharLooks Anicount Source Reserved Throw Looks DuraMax Ac Ac2 Mac_Type Mac Mac2 Dc Dc2 Sac Sac2 Mc_Type Mc Mc2 Func_Type Func Amulet Need NeedLevel Price Stock DisappearTime NeedFame OrgName 1087 Pet(1) 52 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 8523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...
  19. [CD3.55] Bag Drop ?

    Meanwhile I'll keep searching and testing if I have the solution.
  20. [CD3.55] Bag Drop ?

    Sorry chimera. I'm getting the numbers that tell me but the object continues to fall down to die ... EDIT: If the cell "Throw" is at 0, the objects that I have in the bag fall very often, but if "Throw" is a 1, 2, 3, etc ... objects fall very little or nothing. I do not get it.