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  1. nosaint

    Other gems only work or break

    hi i have a small problem with gems. Gems only work (upgrade) or break (fail). How can i make gems having NOT UPGRADED? ty
  2. nosaint

    Heroes Ok i got server files CLIENT HELP NEED IT!

    hi guys, i got server files from here Step 2: Once you have Tortoise SVN make a new folder in C: called MirServer right click and SVN checkout enter this link and wait for your files to download. SVN Link After you have files find...
  3. nosaint

    Heroes /27/2012 12:25:22 AM StartTimer exception:Selected collating sequence not supported b

    enligth me pls, why do i get that error? PS when i load server i get :/27/2012 12:25:22 AM StartTimer exception:Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system1 have no clue why!
  4. nosaint

    [2.3] where can i download mir2 server files?

    hi guys, can someone update the links with mir2 server files? Newer the better. ty very much