Search results

  1. Emin3m

    Mir 2 Server Team

    yo, who said i need everyone to do stuff for me? i didnt, i just thought that a team is better than solo because: 1. more reliable than just yourself 2. quicker to get it up and running 3. Teamworked servers always turn out good 4. you can actually get out once in a while and get a life and know...
  2. Emin3m

    Mir 2 Server Team

    Looking for a Mir2 server team. ========================================================== Need: 1. Host - 512MB RAM+ 2.5GHz+ - if possible, 24/7 host, and reliable. 2. Mob Maker - Drop Files too would be nice 3. Map Maker - All kinds of maps like caves 'N provinces 4. Item Maker - Good with...
  3. Emin3m

    Good RPG Game

    yes it will help me out, but also u can register fromt he link noob, so stfu, some people like these games, and they like helping ppl out at these games, this aint a trick because i clearly say that your clicking my link helping me out and u can register from it so shh ur gob and if u notice...
  4. Emin3m

    Good RPG Game

    Hi, just saying heres a fab RPG web game, like KoC and stuff but much better. Test it out. just register at my link because then u will be helping me out and registering for the game urself. *Link removed by Sawell, it's one of those annoying site recruit things ¬_¬
  5. Emin3m

    Dark Eden

    you can have my account if you want. if you dont want to make a new one, my account only got like 14 healer 15 swordsman and like 22 vamp. but u can have it if u wish beens i wont play DarkEden till its P2P, and if i do decide to go back to it ill just steal my mates 135Healer and gunman with a...
  6. Emin3m

    Dark Eden

    once they go P2P all the koreans will go, trust koreans hate paying for games, just like mir u dont see as much koreans as u used to in beta because they went P2P and all the English hooligans kept on picking on them lol. DarkEden hasnt got that much koreans on it now. alot more english.
  7. Emin3m

    Dark Eden

    Hi, i was wondering wether anyone can sus out how to hack dark eden so we can have some decent priv servs of it, its the First Ever Horror MMORPG and its a wonderful game, if you could hack it then it would be cool. ill give you the site: Here please reply soon. P.S. Its still in Beta...
  8. Emin3m

    DeadOrAlive - Great Server (Still Beta) being changed alo -STATUS- SERVER UP

    GETTING CHANGED STILL,WILL TURN OUT AWESOME COME GIV IT A TRY :D -- patches etc/forum name=DeadOrAlive ip= remember,its beta but it will b famou when its finished
  9. Emin3m

    Its a longshot but...

    yea i have.. but i aint posting my password, and u blocked me on msn :D
  10. Emin3m

    serious problem

    O.o it was my firewall :P sorry bout this thread ¬.¬ got mir sorted now, stupid firewall was blocking it and didnt give me a msg saying wether i want to permit or not. thx anyway
  11. Emin3m

    serious problem

    im having a rlly bad problem with mir3 servers, when i try to make an account the box dont come up it just stays black. and when i try go onto the server the login screen comes up but i cant log in, tryed lots accounts (mates etc) and it still dont work? is there anything i need? servers i...
  12. Emin3m

    cant create

    i cant create a character, i go to create a new character and with the name i put as the character name, it deletes it.. and does no make the character any help?
  13. Emin3m

    Cant make a character

    cant make a character.. i type in the name and it just seems like it deletes the name.. any help please?
  14. Emin3m

    has any1?

    has any1 got map 9 please? i would really appreciate it if u could giv me.
  15. Emin3m

    error with !setup.txt?

    erm and that dont give me much information because its never asked for my map dir >.< thx anyway lil reminder of what the prob was again: Ready to load ini file. !setup.txt loaded.. Read Emergency Map : [0] 459,261 starttimer exception... Not Ready. Not Ready. Not Ready.
  16. Emin3m

    error with !setup.txt?

    nvm im dumb lol forgot to setup the server control but im gettin this msg now Ready to load ini file. !setup.txt loaded.. Read Emergency Map : [0] 459,261 starttimer exception... Not Ready. Not Ready. Not Ready.
  17. Emin3m

    !setup prob

    when i try to run my server i get this msg and i dotn know how to fix. post if u do. heres a screenie:
  18. Emin3m

    error with !setup.txt?

    i dunno what it is but it looks like this: post if u can help please
  19. Emin3m

    SQL freeze.?

    hmm im gettin frustrated now... SQL keeps freezing at this point... any1 know y? or how i can fix?
  20. Emin3m

    MSE prob

    im having a problem with MSE (mir server editor) ive done all the preferences, and when i make a mob it says an error. heres a screenie of the error. please reply ASAP any help is useful.