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  1. Monkeyface

    Hexing the Damn Client!

    I have the actual ASCII lettering, when I managed to copy and paste the characters into a txt editor, the lettering changed from Chinese to ASCII. I've searched the ASCII and actually managed to get the correct Chinese characters but they cannot be found either (when using App Locale)
  2. Monkeyface

    Hexing the Damn Client!

    I'm translating the client rollovers and so far I'm doing quite well, the only things that need doing now are the chat modes and fight modes and the initial login text... I have the exact chinese characters yet they cannot be found in the client when hexed! Any idea why? Anyone know if they're...
  3. Monkeyface

    im looking for a mir 2 server with.....

    THANKYOU!!!!!!!!! I thought i was the only one who liked the challenge in mir! I made my server to how i liked it, challenging, then i got critisied cos i had 2x exp on my server! every 1 who came on laughed @ the exp then went else where. So i had to put exp up so ppl wouldnt go off and get...
  4. Monkeyface

    Making Programs?

    Hey guys, I like experimenting with different things (interpret this how you will) I want to try to make a program, but i dont know what you would do to make a program. is there a special program to get to do it? do i do it in a text editor. I am pretty good @ picking things up, all i want to...
  5. Monkeyface

    [Exception] TCreature.Run 4

    [Exception] TCreature.Run 4 Any 1 know how this is caused? ive got this error in my m2server.exe. Ive not been on, another gm has, any one know if this may be caused because of a GM or whether it just happened? Need to know how to not make it happen again. Thanks /Monkeyface
  6. Monkeyface

    RO private servers

    i know of dildRO
  7. Monkeyface

    Exp, max is 32000?

    Is it just me who cant get more than 32000 exp on a mob? is that the max exp you can have on a mob or is it possible to have higher? if so please tell me! thanks in advance, /Monkeyface
  8. Monkeyface

    Warriors MP Bar Hex?

    Hey guys, I just wanna know how to hex in the warrior MP bar earlier than lvl 28, if there is a hex of course! Thanks in advance, /Monkeyface
  9. Monkeyface

    Any 1 help on leos autopatcher?

    Yes as far as i am aware: [Setup] port=21 userid=mongmong passwd=***** basedir=/autopatch/ listfile=!plist.lst program=mir.exe that right?
  10. Monkeyface

    Any 1 help on leos autopatcher?

    I have downloaded Leocrashers autopatcher and it isnt connecting with my FTP, any 1 help? Thanks, /Monkeyface
  11. Monkeyface

    havin a lil problem wiv me mobs

    i'm having the same prob, help please some 1 >__<
  12. Monkeyface

    NPC Help Please

    ok so the, #if checklevel 20 #act map 0 #elseact goto @no [@no] #say sorry you are too high level (i want it so that any 1 below level 20 cannot be moved by this npc, will that work?) Cheers, Monkeyface
  13. Monkeyface

    NPC Help Please

  14. Monkeyface

    NPC Help Please

    great thanks m8, know how to make it so that after a cirtain lvl u cant be teleported? and also how to make an NPC take evry thing out of your bag and off of your body? thanks, /Monkeyface
  15. Monkeyface

    Adding New Mobs.. Need To Know What This Means...

    as far as i know.. it shows their picture in mir server editor, also i used the appr finder thing in LOM tools. any 1 know what im ballzing up?
  16. Monkeyface

    Adding New Mobs.. Need To Know What This Means...

    ok cannot get them to show up in my game, even when i put the appr as a hen or something, any idea what im doing wrong?
  17. Monkeyface

    NPC Help Please

    ok i'm making an NPC that takes everything out of your bag and off your body... any 1 know how to do this? Also i need to know how to make it so ppl lvl 20+ cannot use this NPC. also if i am going to make a quest NPC (very small 1) you go thru a maze and he gives you a prize when you have gone...
  18. Monkeyface

    Mong Server!

    My Mong Server is not yet up and running... well it is but not 24/7 yet as i am adding as much stuff as i can... please go to and click on the forums, join the forum and post suggestions on what you want in the game... I want this game to be what the players want it to be...
  19. Monkeyface

    Adding New Mobs.. Need To Know What This Means...

    Err... this aint working, for new mobs, you only need the grafix for em in the .wil files rite? if not what else do i need? because when i make a new mob like DarkDevil or KingHog, they arnt appearing ingame, they are there but their image isnt there, help plz! >__< /Monkeyface