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  1. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    lol yer ok watever bud - probably true to b honest ya know, kno wat those little b**tard chavs are like with no family and no future... oh! ud kno all about that wudnt ya u tard, go get a real dad before ya start insultin ppl on ere "meight"
  2. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    hmm if ur asking me right n this is jus what iiii reckons on this whole thing :S i recall u niss saying u acknowledge the fact it was one person not the other... yet u still wont give back the charas despite the fact its been said pass will b changed etc.. ye? well the image i get from that is...
  3. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    surely u know by now angel that when ppl r bored they talk :P hence what forums are for lol ^_^ we aint exactly moanin that the server aint up... jus discussin reasons as to why it aint up + also what happend when it went down lol :D :D n i thought angel was a girly oO
  4. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    yesh its down, n it aint coz of uber pc's either :P mines a strong PC as it is so lol (well strong enuff to play all kinds) jus spent 50mill on pets tho so lol :/ theres a waste of 5 gold eggs init
  5. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    oi i kno most of yas dnt like that feeer dude whoever he is/was ( ah dint kno him so :P ) but ah jus thought i mayaswell let yas hav a goosey at sumthin i seen in torozor XD lol make of it what u will but well yer - ere goes; {I MEAN THE TEXT BOX BTW LOL} o well :D
  6. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    has it gon down? or is it jus me too short :P
  7. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    the server has been + always will be good... to let it die wud jus b a total waste if u ask me lol
  8. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    *admires aspiration* lol if it was me ah wudda given up by now n said o well yer screw yas ;D gotta wait! :D:D
  9. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    okily dokily well lemme say thanks ya on behalf of all these anxious players for the update :D kno it sounds daft but ne chance u cud describe what problems r exactly goin on? (im a comp mech in training ftw lmao :D :D)
  10. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    have patience lol -_- we all anxious but lol giv it time
  11. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    lol nub, as a matter of fact i now retract my statement lol - any server is better than bein ere bored sh!tless coz u gotta save ur money for satday night!!!! :'( :'( :'( plus i can use the lvlin rooms neway ;D lol
  12. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    lol yer dont mean to sound like am moanin am jus sayin about that point lol ^_^ id rather hav no server + keep my items than have a laggy server an risk dyin ova n ova ^_^_^_^_^ think most ppl wud probly agree with tha too
  13. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    cant ya jus liek smeg the tw@t off ur sumthin? lol i dunno, used to b things like but my ISP banned them sadly -_-
  14. AngelEyes


    i gettin the same problem soooo it may be oz of a reboot or sumthin i dunno
  15. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!

    aw cmon chong ya cant b that bored of it ;P nooo chance lol :D get playin again an ill join ya -_- me msn hasnt bin workin since like... forever so lmao havnt bin able to speak to ya ^_^
  16. AngelEyes

    AncientLords Server 1.9 --BETA-- Up Now!

    i had same problem sent.. plus i have no sound :D lol ftw
  17. AngelEyes

    Torozor Returns!!!!!

    i loved torozor myself to be honest when AoD was in charge, after that ended i sort of just left because i thought it was all over lol :| got one extra player here if it goes back up an stuff for deffo
  18. AngelEyes

    Starlite 1.9

    bit of a bellend then aint he :/ cud of at least giv ya back the server files insted of bein a tard...
  19. AngelEyes

    Arda Server - Lord of the Rings

    god i wna play this serv soooo much, but no1 hosts the patches (wish i cud) ><
  20. AngelEyes

    Arda Server - Lord of the Rings

    are ther any mirrors for the downloads yet? still cant get them ><