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smoochy boys on tour
  1. I need std and shape

    Hello :) I need settings to object such as ROSE I would like crate new item . He works as rose but not disapear and not resurrection, only add stats plz help :)
  2. Guide For serial

    This film lasts above 2 minute but I have the whole time the black screen maybe i need special codecs or smth
  3. Guide For serial

    why this movie don't only black screen ;/
  4. EvilCentipede bug

    hmmm in colunn venom hi has 40, but other mob's 0.
  5. EvilCentipede bug

    hmmmmm ec poison is su*k. Cos wiz and tao can kill him no problem. I need 3.39 server files. I have 3.40 but didn't work in windows 2k3, only xp. I try running 3.39 in 2k3. please help me. Maybe somobody know how disable only para and ec will be working ?
  6. EvilCentipede bug

    hmmm....can i run 3.39 in windows 2k3 ? btw somebody have 3.39 server files ?
  7. EvilCentipede bug

    Helo. I was holley 3.38 files and my EC was a bug....when player try kill him hi was logout(player). I don't know why ;/. Somebody know how setup it? . Please help me
  8. JoB/celestrial/graphics

    Oj Derwisz tego skila chyba sie nie da postawi na jobie, trzeba grafe z 3g wizac wiec serw musi byc hybryda ww joba i 3g ;/ Hmmmm jednak sie da bo mam :p