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  1. Start programming in Java

    Yes I agree but I found the tutorials that Sun provide allow you to understand the principals of OO and learn a little code at the same time, they actually use the console and the first tutorial is the ole famous hello world. As a beginner myself I found Java a great learning resource also PHP...
  2. Start programming in Java

    Worked for me but I must admit that after going through the sun tutorials and other online resources I got to apoint where I needed more guided instruction and took a course with the open university, that solidified my object orienated philosiphies.
  3. LOMCN added to our Weblinks section

    Hehe beleave it or not I posted this as a geniune thanks, I can plug my site easily as we have a server running and we have our details on the server status, so there is really no reason to do this, I understand why you said that but in all honesty it was a geniune thanks, I have been a LOMCN...
  4. LOMCN added to our Weblinks section

    Today I added LOMCN to our weblinks section, in short a small thankyou for your assistance in promoting and supporting our server. You can find the link to the LOMCN homepage here. LOMCN
  5. Start programming in Java

    Java is great download netbeans from You might as well choose the All install, if you have not got the Java JDK installed allready or are unsure then you must install the JDK prior to installing Netbeans. The only way around this is to download a bundle from...
  6. Dsyonline test server 1

    Everything is in the patch follow the instructions in top first post
  7. Dsyonline test server 1

    To play you need clean install of mir1.4 then downlaod the above patch extract it to your desktop or some other folder then cut and paste it to C:\Program Files\WEMADE Entertainment\Legend of Mir or where ever you installed mir. Overright when asked and then use szMir.exe to play.
  8. Dsyonline test server 1

    Added you to MSN
  9. Dsyonline test server 1

    Cool Im ok with that I have X on MSN I put your post on for people to post problems rather than splitt it up we can all work together on this if you like? Could also use my webspace as a mirror for all the files once finished also.
  10. Dsyonline test server 1

    Dsyonline test server 1 LH2 This is a test server please post all problems with the server in this post as it keeps all the problems together. SERVERNAME: Stuz (tempory name) Been online for 12 hours straight since post IP:
  11. Need Host

    Added to MSN
  12. Need Host

    I have all the above specs Intel Pentium 4 3.06GHz HT 512MB 400MHZ DDR-SDRAM 250GB 7200rpm Ultra ATA/100 HDD nVIDIA GeForce FX , 256MB DVD-RW Drive Broadband 1.5mb/300k Have hosted before pm if interested.
  13. House system

    Can some one please check and see if this works with mir3 I think it will if so all groovey. Thanks.
  14. mir3 wid mir3 europe client

    Yes and its called eiserver.exe because? Either way you knew what I meant
  15. mir3 wid mir3 europe client

    As I have previuosly stated the new client is coded differantly to the old one there fore you would have to have the new M2server.exe as the new client send differant information to what the old M2server is expecting, therefore at this time the euro client will not work with the server files.
  16. MirSrv.exe Setup Guide

    Hope this helps.
  17. Flash Mir

    Yes I know should have said Wemade lol oh well =D
  18. Flash Mir

    If you mean the ones at the top of the post I made them =D
  19. Flash Mir

    Login has now been finished via SSL, I am adding New account and Change pass to the system and brute force protection to aid in protecting accounts.(something GN totaly ignored) After that select char will be started. Work on the animations is going very well Alex has got walk and run working...
  20. disabling right click in flash

    Thanks again konnichiwa that works great just what I needed.