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  1. People who moved on?

    I was in WORD too, I was Tao (Wehtam) and leveled with the great ALgrawyALtayr in vipers up untill 44. slane also used my Heavensword which i got at lvl 40 during a easter egg event for easter one year.
  2. Solved How to add new items to Mir Heroes

    where can i see which armours are in the heroes files? in regards to the SHAPE for the DB? Completely new to all this.
  3. Solved How to add new items to Mir Heroes

    Hello, I have some extra wils for items. Ive also got armours from here :- The question is how do i get the items in-game from the wils or create some using the stuff in the download from the thread? I have had a look on...
  4. Heroes Creating new NPC's

    Hello Guys, Im looking to move some NPC's around and adding a few, where do i do this? A quick guide will be most beneficial :D. Regards, Topham