Rules and Other Information - READ BEFORE POSTING

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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All new posts in this forum need to be approved by a moderator before they will be visible to anyone other than yourself. This process can take up to 72 hours. DO NOT post multiple threads just because they don't appear straight away or you will receive a warning.

ALL of the information below must be posted in your thread and kept up to date. (Users should be able to get on to the server without ever having to visit another site other than LOMCN.)

NEW Advertisements

1. New threads must ONLY be used in order to make an advertisement about a server which is not already being advertised on LOMCN.
1a. Advertisements MUST contain the following in the post itself otherwise it may not be approved (unless an agreement has been made with staff):

IP address (or "no-ip" address)
Server Name
Server Type
(e.g. 1.4, 1.9, 2.3, 2.6, Ruby, Heroes, Crystal)
Host Machine stats & Internet stats
Exp Rates
Starting Level
Direct Download Links
Website and Forum Links (if applicable).
Full list of gameshop information including prices and what is available for purchase (if applicable).

2. The subject must include the servers name, and the file version. (e.g. [2.3], [Crystal] etc.)
3. One advert per server. "Bumping" is not allowed.
4. Any new information should be edited into the first post.
5. DO NOT advertise an 'upcoming server', all server advertisements must be LIVE or the thread will be deleted. Upcoming servers should go in the Upcoming Servers section; this includes any servers in BETA testing phase.
6. Server names must be unique. Please do not use a server name which is either currently in use by another team OR has been used in the past. This is to avoid confusion and misrepresentation.

NEW Advertisements: Validation

When you click the 'Post' button your advertisement will not appear immediately, but instead will be put into a queue for a moderator to approve. If the moderator believes your advertisement complies to the above rules it will be approved and appear in due course. However if your server is not online or does not meet the requirements listed above when the moderator reviews your advertisement, they are not obliged to validate your post and it will be deleted.

This validation may take up to three (3) days, and doesn't usually offer any feedback. If after three days you're SURE your thread complied with the rules of this forum, and has failed to appear - contact a member of staff or make a post in the Private Questions & Complaints section.

Server Discussion

1. Users are not permitted to post on server advertisements. Posting is reserved for members of the server team ONLY. (For updates etc.)
2. Online servers will have a discussion thread created within the "Server Discussion" sub-forum, where all members are permitted to post and discuss the server.
3. Discussion threads will not be "cleaned" by any moderator so do not ask. The only posts to be deleted are genuine spam or outright flaming, for which you can use the "Report Post" button.

Other Forums and Sites

1. Users may advertise their own server forums and websites, provided they are STRICTLY about their server ONLY.
2. Anyone found advertising other sites or forums with content other than their server will be infracted and the link removed.
3. Facebook links have been globally banned from LOMCN, so don't try to include them in your advert.

Donations / Game Shops

It is not against the rules to accept donations or run a "game shop" where players are able to purchase in-game content for RLC (real life cash/currency), however you are required to declare the type of items that are available for purchase and their respective costs. Should you be found to be selling items "under the table" which are not declared to the public, LOMCN reserves the right to remove your advert.


1. We monitor the online status of ALL advertised servers using the Server Status List, which requires both the IP address of your server and the status/login ports (default ports are usually 7000 and 3000) therefore you must give this information to a member of staff at the time of submitting your advert.
2. Occasionally members of LOMCN staff will send private messages (PM) to server owners asking them to verify if the server is still online/active (if it looks like the server is offline, for example). Failure to reply to this message within 7 days will result in the advert being removed from LOMCN.
2. The 'LOMCN Global Forum Rules' still apply in all sections.
3. Creating a new LOMCN account for the purpose of advertising a server is strictly forbidden. Having multiple accounts is against the Global Forum Rules therefore you MUST use your original/existing forum account to advertise any server(s). Ignoring this rule may result in ALL of your accounts being banned.
4. Server owners who use proxies/VPN or any kind of tool to hide their identity may have their servers tagged as "Avoid" and their account marked as "Untrusted" in order to protect players from possible scams.

Note: We operate a zero tolerance policy when it comes to disrupting the operation of online servers. Any type of threat (or suggestion) towards the operation of a server, through LOMCN or any other channel, will result in an immediate ban on this forum. If a moderator suspects you of such activities, they have full capacity to ban you before any action may occur as a preventative measure. Such bans will be overseen by other members of staff as they occur and any further action taken as necessary.

Failure to comply with these rules can result in your advert being removed. If it is regarded as behaviour which contravenes the Global Forum Rules - you may receive a warning.

Thank you for your compliance and understanding.

/LOMCN Staff
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Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
How to Get Your Server Approved
We select LOMCN approved servers through the following criteria:

- Long uptime
- No reliability issues
- No cases of people being scammed
- Run by good people
- No previous short term servers

If we see your server matches this criteria it will be given the 'Approved' tag giving your server advert the exposure it deserves.

/LOMCN Staff
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Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Constructing a Good Server Advert

Constructing a Good Server Advert

Due to the mass of server adverts we have to keep deleting due to insufficant information or being very poorly constructed, we are offering a little bit of guidence and advice for the server advertisers.

Before you even consider advertising your server take the time to read the server advertisment rules at the top of this thread.

Construction of a good advert.

Include as much info as you can, for example:

1) Server name
2) IP address
3) Host machine and internet stats
4) EXP rates
5) Starting level
6) Starting gold
7) Special features / updates
8) Download links - full client/exe/autopatcher
9) Website and Forum links
10) A storyline perhaps
11) Include an ingame screenshot or custom image


The idea of a good advert is so you encourage people to join your server, a poorly constructed advert, no server forum etc will give people the same impression about your server.

If your unsure on how to construct a server advert look through other peoples adverts, see how they have constructed there ones, visit other servers websites and forums to see what info there sites and forums have, and what they offer to players which is different to others to encourage new players and to keep current players active on there server.

When you place your advert it will go into a moderation queue, the Admins or moderators will check the thread and if we feel there is not enough info we will simply delete the thread and send you a pm, if you advertise and hear nothing and your advert doesn't appear drop one of us a pm to see what's going on.
If your advert is sufficient you will see it appear in the server advert section.

Do not advertise an upcoming server in this section use the upcoming server section of the forum located here: Upcoming Servers section

Remember: Make your advert stand out from the crowd!
Written By Koni

/LOMCN Staff
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
These rules have been updated. Please take time to read through them before submitting any advertisements.
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