Version Information


Nov 7, 2007
A lot of people are a little confused on what is available for woool and is it possible to make server so i will try to explain everything here.

D.X Version
Our first version with a source, has a few bugs but nothing big, this version is 1.960, this is one version you could pick up and start working on at the moment.
The only problem is the client is lost, and am not sure were we can get it from, but any client from 1.960 up until the 2.0 release should be ok. (EDIT) Nevermind found the client, added it to the topic.

V2 Version
This version is pretty much the DX version the Chinese picked up and fixed up a little, added some 2.0 function code, but this dose not mean you will be able to play 2.0, it will be extremely buggy. I still don't know what the chinese changed in the source, it looks very little. But i also have the source for this version.

Rainbow Version
This version has closed and is not possible to work on.

SQL Version
This SQL version is the latest's server to be released, it's 2.0 supported and is developed by CTEngine group. The Engine is Free to use and the gates are all unpacked. We do not have a source for this version.
Because we don't have the source we have to hex edit everything, am sure people from MIR3 community will understand this situation, but we are better of as we don't need to crack the main engine and we get updates free.
This version supports SQL and ACCESS. My Launcher dose not support this, registration will not work you will need to find other means to register accounts, possibly from web.
I have worked on this version for a while and have it working, i started from a fresh base as none of my previous files worked, i will release what i have done in this topic soon.

Launcher - Why is a launcher needed for woool and why can't we just run from the client exe?
If you run the game directly from the client exe you will be disconnected at random times, the launcher runs the correct information to secure a connection between server and client.
Launcher currently supports D.X and V2, although you can use it for SQL but only to login game, registration, forgot password and change password will not work.

Client - What client do i need and how do i go about translating it?

DX Client - Client
V2 Client - 1.9.88 Client
SQL Client -

DX and V2 are the same clients used, to translate this you will need the SGL Editor and you will need to install NVIDIA DDS Plugin for photoshop this will let you save dds files which is what the 1.9 client format is written in.

SQL Version uses 2.0, they have now hard coded the strings which use to be displayed on the image library are now located in the woool.dat.update or Woool.dat depends which you run, all you will need here is a hex editor.

Server Files and Scripting
The best way to build up a set of files is download a set of Chinese files and just copy what you can, can be a little tricky to find a set of old woool files at the moment as most of the sites have closed down.
But people need to realise they don't have to copy the official woool, do what you want to do, put monsters were ever you want them to be, it's just building your own server.

Hope this helps.
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Oct 25, 2012
This is a great topic, tnx again mate for your release... for me the best server is sql version but i wait for new release.