Why this over DOTA2?

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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
How would any seasoned MOBA player not know how to play LoL? It's designed for casual gamers, you have to pay for proper gameplay content, in the gaming industry that's basically like putting a sign up saying "we're a joke franchise" LoL is the iPhone app of MOBAs.

It has wider target and take-up audience because of its accessibility and ease of use. Riot actively stop their competitive players streaming other MOBAs because it'd be like taking a virgin to a *****house. LoL leaves out crucial game concepts like creep denying and proper HP/MP balancing to make the game more accessible, you've probably never played another MOBA or found it immediately too hard (most likely scenario here) because you have to worry about more than just mashing buttons. In dota if there's an ss call you fear for your life and hawkeye the minimap trying to work out positioning whilst not losing out on valuable last hits and XP, in LoL you say OH WELL I'LL JUST TANK IT ALL WHILE RUNNING AWAY LOLZ. HoN is even more brutal in this regard, but their hero balancing has been a bit off in the last few years due to the S2 heroes. See, I know MOBAs really well, that's why you're trench tear LoL player whilst I'm 4k MMR (top 1%) Dota2 player. A 3k MMR Dota2 is easily a gold/approaching plat player, to give you some perspective. I was about 1850 before I left HoN iirc, these ratings probably mean nothing to you as you're a LoL pedo, but to give you some perspective I got to Gold tier after trying LoL casually (without properly learning the heroes, they're called heroes not champions btw), and this was in the old rating system, I believe they have diamond now in the newer seasons, before literally LoLing and going back to a serious game.

Mana, proper hero balancing, strategy, synergy, a few words that mean nothing to Riot but everything to Valve.

but yes, sure, LoL is superior, please stay there. We don't need your kind in Dota.

gg l2play ty



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
My only Issue of why i prefer HON over DOTA2

DOTA2 is full of foreigners and its very rare to be matched with a full english team.

Yeah that's my only real gripe with DOTA2 as it stands too, it needs harsher server region filtering. It makes the community more way more toxic too, although the HoN and Dota communities are similar in that regard, but I thrive on that kind of stuff anyway. No matter how old I get I still love to get a rise out of people, much to the dismay of my wife.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 8, 2012
Cba to read all this ****..I've seen ppl say dota2 is too easy (thn why dont u start playing and get #1 and earn some change?)..I know..1 milion $ is not much if u win a tournament, im sure HoN or LoL pay off better. DotA when it got out was a sick game and it's still played 2day..even if it has **** graphics. LoL is v popular cuz it's more noob friendly ( u dont have to deny creeps, u dont lose gold when u die, etc) . Personally, I prefer DotA2 atm.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Yeah that's my only real gripe with DOTA2 as it stands too, it needs harsher server region filtering. It makes the community more way more toxic too, although the HoN and Dota communities are similar in that regard, but I thrive on that kind of stuff anyway. No matter how old I get I still love to get a rise out of people, much to the dismay of my wife.

i love trolling n00bs on HON and feeding like a pro.

i like to know i ruined someones day


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Both good games with different appeals to them.

LoL is easier to get into.

Dota2 is probably better, despite being an avid LoL player.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2011
the netherlands
Both good games with different appeals to them.

LoL is easier to get into.

Dota2 is probably better, despite being an avid LoL player.

Tbh theyre both pretty good games and its true that lol is more casual friendly but neither game is better if id say why one over the other id say league just cause itll have more longterm succes


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Both fun games in their own rights, not played DoTA anywhere near as much as LoL

But LoL's community (EUW) Sucks so much!
You either get a kid raging for doing well, sucking, a team mate sucking, or if you are winning against people, you get called a try hard apparently.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2011
the netherlands
Both fun games in their own rights, not played DoTA anywhere near as much as LoL

But LoL's community (EUW) Sucks so much!
So does the DOTA community , and it's not only euw that has a terrible community.

You either get a kid raging for doing well, sucking, a team mate sucking,
Again part of the community or the fact you're probably in low elo.
or if you are winning against people, you get called a try hard apparently
Well, the term tryhard is sometimes used in normals when you try to finish a game fast while the enemy team has no chance at wnnng cause afker's or w/e
gave answers in red


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 30, 2005
I prefer League. Nicer graphics, smoother game-play and even though it's noob friendly you can still play a lot and get really skilled no matter what champion you use. Using the noob friendly champions only gets you so far because more experience people know how to counter them

But yes the community if horrible. Mute button i your friend :)


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Just always preferred league for the friendliness it has, i'm platinum 3 in ranked and I do agree the community is heavily toxic, hell i've been part of that toxicity myself. [Got chat restricted for a bit, not had it since]. When I play a game like this and dota2 if someone was new to the MOBA scene i'd offer league of legends, why? It's easier to pick up, yes runes and masteries add a level of depth to it but they're not a necessity until level 30 and ranked.

I don't have a gripe with people who play dota2 but a lot of people who make the arguement well dota 2 is better forget it's a direct port of dota 1, which 2 of the creators of dota are actually the founders of league of legends [Guinsoo, Pendragon], whereas Icefrog the 3rd dev tried to join league of legends after it took off making ridiculous demands, he's also extremely hard to work alongside with according to a lot of leaked devs. Most people comment on the cartoon graphics to league, it's just that it's friendlier and more active as children do play it. The map is being reworked and has a dota-esque style to it which I don't mind personally but others might.

Need to mention : The arguement of league is easier than dota 2 to get to diamond / challenger etc, we've had your dota 2 players come over and quit saying fair enough it is actually quite difficult. They both vary in skill. Some people can pick it up really well, some can't.

But really it's just personal choice.