Hi I'm from darkside

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 3, 2008
Oh dear seems like DS players are crawling out of the woodwork. Do you guys know about the corruption there? If yes and your attacking people who warn others, and let the community know about wrong doings, then my guess is you're a part of it.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
Not sure who u are spartekas what has this to do with your comment as I'm not banned by admins so plz do tell as u have confused me ty

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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 21, 2009
Actually WE defeated hitler already, so quit telling people what to ****ing Play.......grow up, you spent Real money, no1s fault was yours descision...I wont back down. Infractionbs dont slow down idiots.... btw If you dont Buy angelis on Zentaur, you wont get her MAin character name.. or her guild AAO.

PAYPAL isnt stupid if abused by who ever, when they are aware probllem wont exist..

Please Stop spamming


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
What drugs u on I've told no 1 what game to play Im hoping ppl don't go threw what I have and opening ppls eyes on the corruption of darkside if I can't voice my opinion then some1got summit to hide good night talk tomorrow

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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 21, 2009
Mir3 players SUCK..rude overdemanding, Lazy. Want everything and do nothing. thats 80%. see the threads in mir2. Too much LSD, cause tripping all the dam time..

You dont know anything about me or give a ****, or you could jjust Asked.....My nieces and nephews Understand that much, 7 years old is oldest. ? give a **** I looking at Cancer Surgery #3 in 1 year? Yes meds run 250k per year, but they nearly Killed me.. Positive this time means IV and Self Injection Interferon for 18 months and much stronger than people for Hep C.. I give a F U C K soz TAI...

And yes if you feel wronged financially then contact PAYPAL and ask for the money back. I am done here, and really dont care anymore...I wil leave mir2 links Mir3 is DEAD.
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Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
Mir3 players SUCK..rude overdemanding, Lazy. Want everything and do nothing. thats 80%. see the threads in mir2. Too much LSD, cause tripping all the dam time..

You dont know anything about me or give a ****, or you could jjust Asked.....My nieces and nephews Understand that much, 7 years old is oldest. ? give a **** I looking at Cancer Surgery #3 in 1 year? Yes meds run 250k per year, but they nearly Killed me.. Positive this time means IV and Self Injection Interferon for 18 months and much stronger than people for Hep C.. I give a F U C K soz TAI...

And yes if you feel wronged financially then contact PAYPAL and ask for the money back. I am done here, and really dont care anymore...I wil leave mir2 links Mir3 is DEAD.

Please dont condone people retracting paypal payments, already enough of this goes on in the mir community


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
Ide like to no what Hitler or cancer or your nice or nephew or paypal got to do with my post its about the experience of DARKSIDE been CORRUPT so if u got something to say plz say it if its not relevant plz make your own topic ty ppl have the right to no if u put money in to a char sejanus can log on your char and strip it and give your kit to other players like he did mine and he was taking payment for lvl spells but only for some and giving kit away he is CORRUPT but it is up to ppl what they play just think u all have to right to no and it shouldn't ever be hidden Just remember he can take your char if he don't like who u talk to as I've never cheated or anything but he took my char because of who I talk to and what server I play so plz don't get ripped off like I was its a mistake to learn ty all

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2016
hello every 1 :)
as some of u know me .. im DeStRuCTioN ..
i did play on zent last year in august for 1 month and i left coz no 1 was there , i think there was few problems so i went looking for another server abit active .. by the way im not the DeStRuCTioN ehos playing zent server at the momment ... i got nothing against you zed .. i played ur server and thats it .. but this is not out subject for now

im playing DS server for a whole year now ... and ive seen too many things .. 1st thing 1st .. angelis will u stop spreading lies ??
if things didnt work out for u .. why the f u try to blame sej or server .. if server was corrupted why did u guys spend all this time and money on it ??
angelis ive posted that i wanted to reclaim items from the guild u left and went to another server ... so u end up pming every 1 with lies ?? and blackmailing ??

isnt that what u almost done when u left zent few years back ??

went on zeds server and start pming ppl to follow u ?? and in the end u let GM eat all the blame .. as zeds and sejs problems which i will not get into thets thier problems not urs .. u even tried spread lies between me and khaleesi and my guild members which once they were in ur guild ..
and sneding the same msg to every 1 !!!!!!!!!! " those ppl were slating u .. remember i told u that " kizzy never did or say anything to any 1 none did khaleesi or either me .. and u know it lolz ... GM suspended u .. but no u had to get ur self banned and u think we into this lolz ...ITS ME AND KHALEESI VS YOU u used us got ur self with kit and **** from us .. and then when u thought u cudnt over lvl Tomek u said GM selling lvls to Tomek xDDDD ... how come GM never sold lvls to spart ?? why didnt he sell to me ??? why didnt sell to ppl who donated ?? ive played too many servers i was top lvl on most of them ..( taral extreme phenix etc ) BY LVLING not sitting on sz and chat on TS fight about trees xD .. isnt half of report section on DS forums about u fighting over trees with ur guild ?? dont think any other GM wud put much tme to ur childish games and solve ur problems .. didnt every 1 think ur guild was likely fav by GM ??
still this is not about the GM .. this is about u lieing to ur teeth .. i wud belive any 1 .. but not u .. not after what ive seen .. u wud do it to ur own family to get on top of anything ... u got no friends ... yes u call them friends but for u they r not ... they r ppl to use and thats it :) and i know alot of ppl wud agree even sparts will agree lolz .. i remember 1st day i joined DS and sorry spart coz i didnt listen to u m8 ...spart said " angelis is a B**ch "
and mostly every 1 did ... and i remember u let spart abuse half of the guild just so he stays in guild and help u do bosses lolz ... u wud use any 1 to get what u need ..

im waiting for ur rep(lies) and if u wanna post some private chat screenies i got tons hun ..

zed .. i know u hate all DS players and any 1 who defending DS server but ... be careful m8 ... she took ppl from ur server before and she will do it again if things didnt go her way ... we dont want her back in DS lolz u can keep her but careful .

peace out every 1
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005

Thank you for being responsable as a person and for having a common sence

1. You not insulted my server
2. You not been trying to steal players from my server
3. I remember "TheBandit" - we spoke few times online before server wiped
4. Yes you pm some players from my server for coming back, but thats ok since all could do that

I dont hate DS players m8, i hate the DS players that been sent on my server to make riot on it, saying in polish text like "come back to ds we got some items for you"

But having acts like sending players to speak with my players or throw mud on my server..is kind of childish by coming from a grow man

Players have free will to go where they want to go, i not get items or level from their accounts because left my server of even worse..banning accounts because of leaving server to play other


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
Well dest now off to go get your free ins and cave scrolls on your char u slated spart u hated him even told me to remove him from aao face book so play another line as for me slating sej I had the screenie sent to me by spart and other plccayers so yet again wrong and as for me and spart doing bosses didn't do them so more lies from u and spart abused my guild dest u bearlly played u even gave your accounts to doog who then to took back as for me losing ha ha GM didn't give u lvls u got other stuff instead I've no friends well I've st a 3 days of friends visiting me but like u said I've no friends and u saying I come on zent a while bk let's get it right I come on there to talk to redmoon BTW love new name of mob sej called them whale lol and oh yes even sent me a picture of tomek when i first started playing but he not corrupt even giving rethh kit for standing in safe zone as the screenies that was put on here was removed but u will be up his are as u are 1of the ppl buying stuff funny how I've got PMS off sej trying to get redmoon and yourself bk as your high donaters u get what u want u even got gm in your guild he says its his friend but we all no the truth as for taking kit of my char that was mine funny how apart could buy chars but Rambo gets banned for selling his haha what a corrupt server now dest go get your little treat from sej BTW u was only in aao till u got higher so u no fk all

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2016

Thank you for being responsable as a person and for having a common sence

1. You not insulted my server
2. You not been trying to steal players from my server
3. I remember "TheBandit" - we spoke few times online before server wiped
4. Yes you pm some players from my server for coming back, but thats ok since all could do that

I dont hate DS players m8, i hate the DS players that been sent on my server to make riot on it, saying in polish text like "come back to ds we got some items for you"

But having acts like sending players to speak with my players or throw mud on my server..is kind of childish by coming from a grow man

Players have free will to go where they want to go, i not get items or level from their accounts because left my server of even worse..banning accounts because of leaving server to play other

i didnt send any pms as far i remember .. But i did send a mir mail to dizzyness as he were the only person was there to play with at that time and i think he didnt show up after that ... And i did that before i knew there was a fued going on ... And for that i apologize .. I respect all servers and every 1 but this is the players whos messing up mir for every 1 not the DS server .. If ppl have some personal issue they shouldnt ruin the game for every 1 .. As im enjoying playing DS and i enjoyed playing ur server at that time ,hell i even enjoyed playing all the servers ... its just a game to relax and enjoy not to bring " personal issues" in it

in the end I apologize again if i caused u any problems zed like i said i didnt know about the fueds at that time

but for angelis this war just got started hun
peace out


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
If u say so dest it a pixcel game u should learn difference war just started ha ha ha what can u do to me ERM hit me with your pixcel lies

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2016
Well dest now off to go get your free ins and cave scrolls on your char u slated spart u hated him even told me to remove him from aao face book so play another line as for me slating sej I had the screenie sent to me by spart and other plccayers so yet again wrong and as for me and spart doing bosses didn't do them so more lies from u and spart abused my guild dest u bearlly played u even gave your accounts to doog who then to took back as for me losing ha ha GM didn't give u lvls u got other stuff instead I've no friends well I've st a 3 days of friends visiting me but like u said I've no friends and u saying I come on zent a while bk let's get it right I come on there to talk to redmoon BTW love new name of mob sej called them whale lol and oh yes even sent me a picture of tomek when i first started playing but he not corrupt even giving rethh kit for standing in safe zone as the screenies that was put on here was removed but u will be up his are as u are 1of the ppl buying stuff funny how I've got PMS off sej trying to get redmoon and yourself bk as your high donaters u get what u want u even got gm in your guild he says its his friend but we all no the truth as for taking kit of my char that was mine funny how apart could buy chars but Rambo gets banned for selling his haha what a corrupt server now dest go get your little treat from sej BTW u was only in aao till u got higher so u no fk all

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yes i bought cave scrolls which all in specail offers on fourms lolz ...seems it didnt bother u when i did it to buy 10k intes for ur armor u r wearing ... sorry was as u r banned ..as the whole server turned against me xD and start slating me for it haha.... my money i do what ever i want to do with it .. is that what the best u could come with angelis ?? come on .. no 1 told u to donate or pay RL cash for the game u did it wellingly.. and as far me leaving server XD i never did .. you can ask kirea and legolas .. it was me the whole time didnt leave never did xD .. doog never played on Dest only once or 2wice . i only stopped playing on april .. i just couldnt take it anymore with ur crying and moaning 24/7 angelis .. ppl got headaches from u from global chat ... what u think it will happen to me in TeamSpeak hearing u moan and cry over trees and fighting noobs over trees .. COME ON u r grown ass person . fighitng with KIDS .. yes GM gave me stuff i paid for : intes FPs power caves pets vips drugs . lolz again it didnt bother u when i used to give u some of what i bought them .. didnt seems to bother u when i donated for intes at Xmas to get the guild over 1k red socks ..and about Tomek didnt Sej asked "do you want to unban Tomek and you said yes its ok " ?? u said yes and then u complain why he got unbanned ???
didnt we all hated Tomek ?? and Raven ?? isnt it Raven is the cheapest player on the game but still manage him self to highest lvls ??

and there is no secret i dont like sparts... we r men we deal with it .. i dont like him and maybe he hate my guts thats not ur problem
and to be clear spart m8 I DONT LIKE U .. u ok with that angelis ?? and yes i did get upset that spart mentioned my name in somthing he shouldnt get his nose into ,also u remmeber when he left the wall war and joined FOF so its only game things hun .. and ur self start curing him as soon he did that ... so dont only blame me hun ... LOLZ about the new event .. i think every 1 enjoyed it hun .. i bet u wud too lolz ..
and for me to get to high lvl and leave .. I LEFT COZ OF U COZ OF UR CRYING AND MOANING ..but lvls ? i did it my self .. yes u were my master .. lvling me on trees hahah good luck .. i made my own char u might helped me at the start ... but i helped u all the way and the whole server players can tell u that .. and tell me how come my biggest game enemeys became my friends as soon u left ??
to be honest 1 person knew how to deal with u .. his name is Raven .. as soon the join AAO u cudnt out smart him .. wanted all the kit for ur store and 0 members of aao went to bosses .. u want too keep items to ur self so u can trade them for more items to ur self ...seen that and uve done that .. the only thing was coruptted in that server was u hun u did it to every 1 hun .. poor DarkDevil was sad all of the time coz u didnt do anything but stay in sz and do trees .. told me alot about u doing bosses while i was away at that time .. ppl in the guild wanted to do bosses and go hunts .. not trees .. as trees only for low lvls not greedy players .. funny how u called every 1 greedy .. but i guess its true what they say .. u see every 1 as a copy of ur self ..

peace out ang .. waiting for more rep(lies)

---------- Post Merged at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:15 PM ----------

If u say so dest it a pixcel game u should learn difference war just started ha ha ha what can u do to me ERM hit me with your pixcel lies

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hahaha ang xD wait what DeStRuCTioN can and will do ;)

peace out hun


---------- Post Merged at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:17 PM ----------
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
Is that the best u got a load of lies I did awesome been highest lvl on server doing trees I guess spart and rest lying about the server been corrup but I'm greedy that we have biggest guild I suppose I force ppl into aao u never left and was because of me so u lie again telling every going in army lies again no I wouldnt enjoy as I didn't really do as for the armour I didn't want it but if that's the best u got ha ha ha well off to play my game u keep playing your corrup server and telling lie and filling GMs pocked don't forget to check your into guy

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2016
Highest lvl ??? OMG xDDD u r even close to 2nd highest ... well not anymore i guess .. Biggest guild ?? What guild u r talking about lolz ? u mean the list on inactive players u got in the guild ? Or the doubles u r making ? 1 book store 1 wiz store 1 war store 1 booty store etc ... and the rest of the guild have the same thing going on !!!! i mean cone on u r killing ng Ice Lord and shout for a tree xD anyway about me lieing that i went for army .. Yes i lied but still im in the army tho hehe ... But i did lie not coz of u .. I did lie and hidden coz of my friend who were my friends till u left server and made me look like the big evil to them same as u did to khaleesi .. Well ang keep convincing ur self and ur "friends" with ur lies ... For me i had enough of u ... And im not the 1st person and i will not be the last ..
Peace out


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2016
Stop contradicting your self 1min u on here 24/7next minute in army wow didn't no been in army u can play mir 24/7 wow I'm good I force ppl to lie any way this topic about darkside not about your lies hope u have fun on your corrupt server by dest your not worth my time cya BTW my guild growing every day

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 3, 2008
hello every 1 :)
as some of u know me .. im DeStRuCTioN ..
i did play on zent last year in august for 1 month and i left coz no 1 was there , i think there was few problems so i went looking for another server abit active .. by the way im not the DeStRuCTioN ehos playing zent server at the momment ... i got nothing against you zed .. i played ur server and thats it .. but this is not out subject for now

im playing DS server for a whole year now ... and ive seen too many things .. 1st thing 1st .. angelis will u stop spreading lies ??
if things didnt work out for u .. why the f u try to blame sej or server .. if server was corrupted why did u guys spend all this time and money on it ??
angelis ive posted that i wanted to reclaim items from the guild u left and went to another server ... so u end up pming every 1 with lies ?? and blackmailing ??

isnt that what u almost done when u left zent few years back ??

went on zeds server and start pming ppl to follow u ?? and in the end u let GM eat all the blame .. as zeds and sejs problems which i will not get into thets thier problems not urs .. u even tried spread lies between me and khaleesi and my guild members which once they were in ur guild ..
and sneding the same msg to every 1 !!!!!!!!!! " those ppl were slating u .. remember i told u that " kizzy never did or say anything to any 1 none did khaleesi or either me .. and u know it lolz ... GM suspended u .. but no u had to get ur self banned and u think we into this lolz ...ITS ME AND KHALEESI VS YOU u used us got ur self with kit and **** from us .. and then when u thought u cudnt over lvl Tomek u said GM selling lvls to Tomek xDDDD ... how come GM never sold lvls to spart ?? why didnt he sell to me ??? why didnt sell to ppl who donated ?? ive played too many servers i was top lvl on most of them ..( taral extreme phenix etc ) BY LVLING not sitting on sz and chat on TS fight about trees xD .. isnt half of report section on DS forums about u fighting over trees with ur guild ?? dont think any other GM wud put much tme to ur childish games and solve ur problems .. didnt every 1 think ur guild was likely fav by GM ??
still this is not about the GM .. this is about u lieing to ur teeth .. i wud belive any 1 .. but not u .. not after what ive seen .. u wud do it to ur own family to get on top of anything ... u got no friends ... yes u call them friends but for u they r not ... they r ppl to use and thats it :) and i know alot of ppl wud agree even sparts will agree lolz .. i remember 1st day i joined DS and sorry spart coz i didnt listen to u m8 ...spart said " angelis is a B**ch "
and mostly every 1 did ... and i remember u let spart abuse half of the guild just so he stays in guild and help u do bosses lolz ... u wud use any 1 to get what u need ..

im waiting for ur rep(lies) and if u wanna post some private chat screenies i got tons hun ..

zed .. i know u hate all DS players and any 1 who defending DS server but ... be careful m8 ... she took ppl from ur server before and she will do it again if things didnt go her way ... we dont want her back in DS lolz u can keep her but careful .

peace out every 1

It's not lies though, i've seen the proof myself, and so has many. Your only making yourself look dishonest or clueless.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2016
Now server corrupted by me ??? Make ur mind women either its me or GM or Tomek or dono who next ull blame for ur mistakes and problems
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