Request Any1 know where we can buy Good files


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 24, 2003
Im tired of being pissed by my father coz he wants to play mir2 and the server files around are all crap!!
So im looking if any1 know where to get some new stuff , he will buy them just to have his own server to play!!!


Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
The C# files are hardly crap. I'm a Ruby stalwart but have to admit that the potential for Crystal and derivatives is almost endless.
They can be run off the peg if you just want to run around.
Although old and buggy, the Ruby files still run on old low spec hardware.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 24, 2003
Yeah i tried to make him a server with the crystal files, but he has a crapy gfx card so he gets a black screen when he starts the game!!!!
And yes installed all stuff they say on the black screen thread fix!!!
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Aug 24, 2015
Yeah i tried to make him a server with the crystal files, but he has a crapy gfx card so he gets a black screen when he starts the game!!!!
And yes installed all stuff they say on the black screen thread fix!!!

i think he have fix the Resolution in client mirconfrig txt id u not sort pm me i will sort for u
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LOMCN Veteran
Oct 17, 2013
Anyone selling a good set of mir 3 files? Some fixed up GSP files would be great ;)
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Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
try the c# files, so simple to get up and running, might aswell mess about with them yourself..
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Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
C Files are horrid, if it's for his OWN purpose and hes an old school player and hes not opening to the Public. Hero's are the clear choice only downfall to them is cheating but if he wants it for himself.. that is the way to go without a doubt. C# lead to far to many crash's when your adding new stuff, Hit for hit bullshit as melee.
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Feb 21, 2013
But can he 'add new stuff'?
I think there is gross misunderstanding here, if I get what OP talks about. I am afraid by crap he means that all files, besides technical difficulties making them run, are unconfigured and that means C# files also even with daneo1989 database.

Yes it has a lot of stuff configured, I don't want to slight that, but all the same tons and tons of it is unconfigured bare bones and unplayable (of which only easy fix is putting in korean exp table, all else like various npcs for those specialties like awakening, fishing, crafting, refining, including those common, legendary, mystic items... (I suppose those along with awakening and fishing are not considered 'euro') you have to script (I am probably wrong on some count, just saying it how I see it).

I realize that for the 'clique' of you experts around here its a cinch but for 99% of pple around mir universe it is unsurmountable obstacle to run mir server on home pc for themselves, like for family or few close friends. I believe I could swing it myself but would have to put in considerable time and learn quite a bit while doing it. I doubt most 'normal' folks could do that even given time and will to have a go at it.
I went over C# files recently because having free time, being flushed out of mir server, being in between 'jobs' playing mir, and I must say the more I look at the files the more I have respect for those able to knock together half decent server. On the other hand, most servers are not too integrated, balanced either, as many if not most settings in the basic files are typically left at their defaults (pot costs, basic mount costs and many such likes). Tuning it up would require the server maker to actually play the server as rank and file char prior to putting the server online for public and I doubt any of those who put up servers do that. And 'beta' runs can't do that. I quite admire the original euro balance that everybody making server today is still using as a starting balance point one way or another.

"he has a crapy gfx card so he gets a black screen" -> C# can be run in a window and then it almost always works, unfortunately default is full screen which most pcs have problem with although old pc shouldn't have, probably you have missing directx or framework stuff or things of that kind, unless you mean black maps ingame, then you are missing database LOL

Anyway making files to run other than C# ones is $% rocket science, complex setup, at least that's how I recall it when I looked at it years ago, its nothing to mess about with for us 'normal' pple LOL
Crystal files by comparison to all other files are user friendly, even extremely friendly unless you are not computer literate, but not quite ready to play as they come off the shelf and I mean play in the most basic way, that is resembling euro with its features and npcs and all that. Don't know exactly up to what point the items, mobs, drop files are configured, it it covers all standard euro caves.

I doubt any of the 'bigger servers' would be for sale (or doubt somebody would be willing to put up the amount large enough to 'persuade' those with extensively configured server files) but perhaps some of those 'smaller ones' that were online for relatively short time and then ended, the one-man affairs, like Purgatory (ran like a year or two earlier?) or now the Emerge server? In any case it is clear nobody is willing to throw in 'free for all' at least part of his work, like Far and likely others around the files development did or daneo1989 with his database.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 13, 2016
West Yorkshire, UK
But can he 'add new stuff'?
but perhaps some of those 'smaller ones' that were online for relatively short time and then ended, the one-man affairs, like Purgatory (ran like a year or two earlier?) or now the Emerge server? In any case it is clear nobody is willing to throw in 'free for all' at least part of his work, like Far and likely others around the files development did or daneo1989 with his database.

I hate to say it but you'd probably find that the daneo db along with default code will actually be better than a fair few of these servers that have popped up and died as they probably haven't even had half the time that daneo db work has had even if that db is unfinished :uncomfortableness:
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Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
C# is dog ****, these are facts this is why Jamie was massively disappointed in how shitty the files was.. that's why " Marble " came along.

They are just bad files which are super unbalanced, Lot's of hard work has gone into them don't get me wrong but if your an old school player and won't them for yourself C# are not the way to go i assure you, it doesn't even feel anything along the lines of Euro so you'd get 0 nostalgia, They run smooth but Melee pvp there is complete dog **** hit 1/1 by range.
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
C# is dog ****, these are facts this is why Jamie was massively disappointed in how shitty the files was.. that's why " Marble " came along.

They are just bad files which are super unbalanced

You lose all credibility of knowing what you're talking about when you compare server files to balance.
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Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
You lose all credibility of knowing what you're talking about when you compare server files to balance.
Why so ? These files because of the way character run make it unbalanced ? Am i wrong? A ranged can hit 1/1 yet a melee can never hit a running target. That's down to files am i wrong? I'm not on about the damage of spells classes are out putting... C'mon Far i don't discredit your hard work but C# is dog ****, E.g why no big server makers use your files. Correct me if i'm wrong. Acem2 ( chrons ) .. Marble .. Arcadia was custom hero files.. Not sure on Archon but most likely aint C# Dump lol.
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
Sure, choose 2 servers who have been well established for years. Of course they're not going to give up their custom coded features for a base set of files. Or you could include the other 10+ Who have been built using crystal over old files.

Afaik Jamie doesn't like crystal because he doesn't like the official direction I went.

I can't argue that ranged can hit easier. I put most of that down to lag free clients which Delphi doesn't offer. Marbles files offer nothing different except Jamie's tweaked hit boxes and stun mechanic, I fail to see how that makes crystal a failed set.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Seems a bit drastic to write them off to such an extent as you seem have just because of that sole reason. What other reasons do you believe the files are so terribly and utterly dire?
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Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
The C# files might not be everyone's cup of tea but you have to give huge credit to Jamie for starting them and huge credit to Far primarily and others too for keeping the project going as far as it did.
The problem with the C# files is that they were too easy to set up and reached a stage where everyone was putting their ideas into the mix which diverted Far and coders away from the main thrust of the files in making a Korean equivalent set. The ease of setup encouraged many wannabe server operators to start and release servers. Fixing bugs found on these servers and other coding specific to them eventually halted the main core code and releases which then left the server operators alone to fix any bugs.

Problems like ease of range attack could possibly be solved with sensible discussion between knowledgeable players and top coders rather than players simply slagging off server operators who are probably incapable of coding anyway.
One possibility might be to have a ratio of decreasing accuracy versus distance or MC/Damage versus distance. Just a thought.

On the black screen issue, I had it at work today when I updated the Marble files. All I had was the mouse icon. I pressed alt tab to get back to the desktop. As the black screen minimized, I saw the mir screen minimize. Clicking the mir icon on the taskbar brought the game back up and no black screen !
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