Slayzone [Crystal]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 8, 2011
Slayzone Server
Crystal power

Slayzone is now back and has been converted over to crystal files

This is Completely free no pay to play policy
An active game shop can be used and toped up from gold in game or credit scrolls won through in game play

Slayzone is based on Euro mir with additional features and extra caves
This is a good clean, stable server that has been set for smooth steady levelling
with seasonal events and little monthly events taking place
All working quests and new ones been added weekly

Aimed at the more serious Mir player who remembers the old euro days
with no outrageous item specifications or over powered monsters

(lets be honst some servers will let you go to level 200 we go to 65 but whats the real difference no need to go to like level 200 we are sure you understand the principle)

Only 1 for now who may play his own personal character with absolutely no
prejudice please understand that he will only offer advice as a normal player on his account but for all over help can only be granted through a Gamemaster account

he will not have access to server information including no password or account access items, stats, mob files or drops
only has a limited use of Gamemaster commands

The Game shop
Is complete accessible from either in game gold or credit scrolls
that all come from Quests or from killing mobs
There will
be paying for game credit or gold
everything is free and accessible in game

Current event
Happy holidays
Hunt Christmas trees and Snowmen that give random exp from 500+
and will give you gift boxes that will give you any item in game randomly depending on how lucky you are

Past Bichon
Invasion every 20 mins +
That have there own unique set of items to give

Server Reboots

Sunday Evening 8pm 15 mins approx. weekly

Server Finance
we will operate on a complete open policy

Encouraged to have fun !!!
while all efforts will be made we understand not everybody will feel the same so we have set out very publically the rules for the server which are on the forum page we do ask if these can be followed

Forum page :



Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: Slayzone Server[Crystal]

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