GM Commands


Anyone got a list of GM commands King, as I can't seem to use the Changelvl or anything else that is equvilant.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 13, 2009
commands as requested by mapadale


@Date = Shows you the Server's current date and time (24 hour clock)
@PrvMsg <UserName> = Will Block the PM's of the Person's char name you typed
@LetShout = Turns on or off the Yellow Shout Text you see with the player command of !
@LetTrade = Turns off or on the Ability of other players being able to trade with you

@Observer = makes you invisble to players and mobs, you can still get hit in this mode.
@SuperMan = instant HP & MP regeneration (basic invincibility)
@Hide = Makes you hidden from view of players
@Appear <Charname> = Jumps GM to char named
@Map = Tells you the Current Map Code of the map you are on.
@Move <Map#> <X> <Y>= Allows your GM Char to move to map specified and to co ords if written in

@Info <Username> = Lets you see any player's information; stats, User ID, GG, GP, etc
/Who = This shows you how many players are on-line

@chglevel <Levek> (Max level of 25k)

@cantchat <Char Name> = Chat bans player
@canchat <Char Name> = Takes off chat ban
@Ting <Username> = Causes a Specific player to Have a DE type of effect and RT's them on the last town map they were on

@ReloadNpc = Any Scripts that are done for the server will once in a while require you to Reload an NPC (Don't worry about the messages after, If you want I can explain that in game).
@ReloadMonitems = Reloads drop files
@ReloadGuildAll = Reloads all guilds
@ReloadGuild <Guild Name> = Reloads The guild named

@Recall <Username> = Uses the GM Recall function, can recall anybody anywhere.


@Date = Shows you the Server's current date and time (24 hour clock)
@PrvMsg <UserName> = Will Block the PM's of the Person's char name you typed
@LetShout = Turns on or off the Yellow Shout Text you see with the player command of !
@LetTrade = Turns off or on the Ability of other players being able to trade with you

@Observer = makes you invisble to players and mobs, you can still get hit in this mode.
@SuperMan = instant HP & MP regeneration (basic invincibility)
@Hide = Makes you hidden from view of players
@Appear <Charname> = Jumps GM to char named

@Map = Tells you the Current Map Code of the map you are on.
@Move <Map#> <X> <Y>= Allows your GM Char to move to map specified and to co ords if written in

@Info <Username> = Lets you see any player's information; stats, User ID, GG, GP, etc
/Who = This shows you how many players are on-line

@Kick <Username> = Kicks the user off the server of the name you've typed.
@Ting <Username> = Causes a Specific player to Have a DE type of effect and RT's them on the last town map they were on
@Superman <Username> <number> = Superting

@cantchat <Char Name> = Chat bans player
@canchat <Char Name> = Takes off chat ban

@chglevel <Levek> (Max level of 25k)
@Changelevel <Level> (Max level of 25k)
@Chgjob <Job> Allows you to change the Job or Class of the character; Warrior, Wizard, Taoist (spelled in full)
@ChgGender <M or F> = Lets you Change the Gender of a character.

@BackStep = Makes your Character Moon walk a step
@Recall <Username> = Uses the GM Recall function, can recall anybody anywhere.

@Make <ItemName> = Makes the item you typed as long as it's in the DB
@Removeitem <Itemname> = Removes the named item from your bag
@AddGold <Name> <Amount> = Adds Gold to a player's bag by what ever amount you choose.
@TakeGold <name> <amount> = Takes Gold off a player's bag by what ever amount you choose.
@Mob <Mob Name> <Number to spawn> = Will spawn a Mob of the name you type. Has to be in the DataBase for it to spawn. spawn max of 30 at a time as laggs server when using
@GMPET <Mob Name> = Will spawn the mob you named as your pet

@Mission <Map#> <X> <Y> = Sets the Mission or Target Location for mobs spawned using @mobplace
ClearMission <Name> = This Will Set all Quest Flag's to 0
@MobPlace <X> <Y> <MobName> <Amount> = Spawns what ever mobs at the coords you used and will go to the Mission spot
@ClearMon <Map# or *> <MobName or *> <0-1> = Allows you to clear a Map of Mobs or all maps of all mobs or a specific map of a specific mob with either 1 for Gold to drop or 0 For NO Gold to drop.

@TrainMagic <Name> <SkillName> <Level 0-8> = Causes you to instantly gain a spell and give it a level
@RemoveMagic <Name> <SkillName> = Allows you to remove or Delete a Skill from a player
@RefineWeapon <DC> <MC> <SC> <ACC> = Practical use is to do it minus -255 = +1, -254 = +2, 253 = +4, etc..
@weaponatom 9 -230 (gives +26) for players 9 - green 32 red 43 purple
@changeweaponlevel <1-99(99 gives weapon max)>

@ReloadNpc = Any Scripts that are done for the server will once in a while require you to Reload an NPC (Don't worry about the messages after, If you want I can explain that in game).
@ReloadMonitems = Reloads the drop files
@ReloadAdmin = Reloads the admin list file
@ReloadLineNotice = Reloads the Line Notice
@ReloadDiary - Reloads the Quest Diary
@ReloadGuildAll = Reloads all guilds
@ReloadGuild <Guild Name> = Reloads The guild named
@ReloadAbuseInformation - Reloads !abuse.txt


@Remitsin <charname> = Gets rid of pk status

@ChangeWeaponLevel (Max = 99)

<Not Tested> (Let me know if u test them and tell me what it does) (I know these are gm commands only tho)

@DenyAccountLogon <Account ID> <1> = Denies the said Account from Logging on. Get the ID by using @info <Name> Always use 1 at the end.
@DenyCharNameLogon <Name> <1> = Denies the said Char Name from Logging on. Always use 1 at the end.
@DelDenyAccountLogon <Account ID> = Removes the Account ban for "said" ID.
@DelDenyCharNameLogon <Name> = Removes the Character Ban for "said" Char
@ShowDenyAccountLogon = Show Deny Account Logon list
@ShowDenyCharNameLogon = Shows Deny Char Name Logon List
@Hair <name> <0-1> = Changes your hair from 1 or 0 same as the NPC in BW

<OTHER COMMANDS> (These can be used by normal players)

To make a guild allience (Face other leader there are no pop ups for this)
@union = makes invitation for allience
@AcceptUnion = Accepts invitation for allience

@addmember = Face person to add them to guild and if done correct it will pop up with prompt where u type their name
@broken guild = Leaves Guild

@search - probe necklace


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LOMCN Rookie
Jul 1, 2017
my @mapmove doesnt seem to work, can someone give me an example on how to command should look?

@mapmove 66 124 125

66- the map number
124 125 coords

doesnt seem to work
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
my @mapmove doesnt seem to work, can someone give me an example on how to command should look?

@mapmove 66 124 125

66- the map number
124 125 coords

doesnt seem to work

           Welcome to TeleportStone:\
           <Teleport to PrajnaVillage/@PT>\

         mapmove 2(MAP),150(X coord),200(Y coord)       [COLOR=#ff0000]->>> use this[/COLOR] mapmove 2,150,200
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