Another 3.55 Bug?? bahh

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Dec 1, 2003
While messing with the 3.55 yet again, I translated and tried the Auto EXp (not to be confused with Auto Exp, you understand right??). Anyhow this is off the Ctrl + D menu thing and in bascially what it says is that for Each 1 GamePoint, you get XXXXXX (whatever number that was in anyhow).

At the end of the Script, it bascially Gives you XXXX Exp to your char, thus you Level up without Moving or Waiting. Great this worked, I was a mere Level 7, so i went to Level 11. I noticed though the Bar was at 100%, next mob, level up, so forth and so on and so on...

Now the Question is - apart from make sure nobody uses these Silly Scripts included, was it the Command giving me Exp that Buggered the client up / scoring or whatever making it Stick to 100%, Was the Number so amazly high that in fact its Stuck at 100% until I keep killing enough mobs and reach level god knows what it will sort itself out?

Anyone else tried all these scripts by the way?

Oh How Silly me - lol, the Scripts as they are presented are plain daft, if you left in the Auto Gift one and left yourself logged in as a Level 1 Char, give it a hour or so and you will have enough Integral / Gamepoints to then go away and do the AutoExp thing. Using 5 GP, you can go form Level 7 to level 40 by hens alone armed with a Snapped off Branch and some Shreddies on....

I try these things so you dont have to - Cillit Bang
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