APB Reloaded

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 10, 2009
UK -Manchester
Anyone played this?

Its a free to play MMO similar to the likes of GTA.
Its graphics are pretty good for a f2p and game play seems OK so far though it seems to need a little getting used to. The customisation on it seems pretty cool and the choice between being enforcers or criminal adds to the experience (though I'm pretty sure majority of people pick criminal :P)

More info - Steam page http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/113400/

just downloaded it today from steam and have been on for a short while but wondering if anyone plays it and can give a better insight to weather its actually worth playing.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
Yes it's fun but there are hackers on it and it's slow leveling contacts / earning cash compared to people with premium, with the steam thing if u use free code before 19th I think u get 10 day free premium.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2007
It's a pretty good game for a F2P game, but it gets annoying if you run into people who are using cheats. It makes it even worse because it's F2P and people don't care if they get banned because they can make new accounts. Not sure how many cheaters are about now me and Kani used to play a few months back, we decided to give it another go last night and we haven't ran into any yet. Unless you have premium you are at a disadvantage, stupid things like:

Up to a 90% bonus to all Contact Standing (XP) gains
125% bonus to all APB$ (in-game currency) gains!

The guns you can buy from the marketplace aren't really "Pay2Win" like some people say, you just get three slotted guns earlier than you're supposed to. Me and Kani were doing good last night against high ranks even with the starter weapon.

It is a fun game and definitely worth playing, but last time we played the cheaters got out of hand and almost every mission we ran into one =/
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