Help Me To Play Games Smoothly On A 2 Years Old PC

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Leecher
Apr 11, 2022
I have a gaming PC setup that I built 2 years ago. I was able to play most games at 720p mid settings when I built it. Now, the games are barely playable on the same settings. I have to lower them to make them playable.

Is there any other way to solve this problem than upgrading hardware? Thank you in advance.

My current PC setup is:
Processor - AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
OS - Windows 10 Pro
RAM - Corsair Vengeance DDR4 8GB*2 3200MHz
Storage - SSD WD 240GB
HDD - Barracuda 1TB
Motherboard - MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
Having posted here, I researched online and found this list. They claim Razer Cortex is the most effective for boosting the game. Does it really work? Is it true? Can anyone confirm? Kindly reply to this topic.
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ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴊᴇᴠ
Staff member
May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
Maybe try adding a 500gb ssd and have your games stored on that, can greatly improve speed for games.

Do a system clean, delete old software, download ccleaner and run that.

Make sure you have the latest drivers eg. Graphics card, cpu and display drivers.

Run windows update, I can’t stress the importance of keeping your system up to date.

Edit: If cash isn’t a problem maybe look at upgrading your CPU, you have one that has built in graphics but you have a half decent card which should run fine. Also make sure to run your display cables from the graphic card and not the motherboard.

Cpu doesn't effect games that much but can definitely help.
Graphics cards are slowly coming back down to their regular prices now so maybe a 20 or even 30 series card could be a good investment.

Go into your bios and turn performance boost on, I have the same board as you so know it’s there. Also run your ram in dual channel mode.
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