Kill mob quest


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2010
Hi guys, I am going absolute mad as i need a quest which asks to kill eg. 5 hens and once thats done, will receive a reward back in the npc.

I was trying to figure this out for a while as my server is based on quests. What i have figured out is in mapquest i could set AddNameList quest.txt for a certain mob killed and then withdraw who killed that monster in the main npc. However i dont know how to make mapquest INPUT <$username> to a text file so then in the npc i can check this information.
Any help would be greate.

Or is there a easier way to do this?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
May 28, 2007
Essex, UK
i dnt think you can do this as the server can only write in sql and not it txt scripts the idea of a script is to tell the server what to do any stored information from the server is in sql as the server would knw exactly where to put the info in a script thts y sql has TBL's and FLD's could you not write it so it store in a tbl in sql then get the npc refer to that table?

so user Bobby goes to npc npcs says go kill a 100 hens , when he killed 100 hens writes to tbl in sql then wen try to do again npc refers to sql table to look for names any in list npc says no ?

long winded but thts how i would do it
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2010
You see im not as advanced in scripting to go script in sql yet. I take slow steps in text files atm and i dont even know how where to start with the sql. I will have a look at the sql scripting meybe there is a guide somewhere big thanks.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2010
Si buscas poner la mision por textos es muy facil.

En npc:

Usa flags y deberas de usar 2.

[100] 0 -> Check si no has hablado con npc.
[100] 1 -> Check si has hablado con npc y tienes la mision activa.
[101] 0 -> Mision no realizada
[101] 1 -> Mision realizada.

Deberas de jugar con las variables ejemplo:

LOADVALUE D4 "Questdiary\Misiones\Bichon1.txt" [Mision] 0
check [100] 1 ; Mision activada
check [101] 0 ; Pero sin terminar , esto es lo que deberas de poner en el script del monstruo.
MOV D4 1
SaveValue "Questdiary\ ....... D4

Deberas de buscar por ti mismo los scripts, pero te doy una idea de como iria.
Si prefieres montarlo por SQL deberás de buscar el script del banco mismo ( inflikted bank script ) y
= que sube el dinero , pues sube una variable que tu asignas, simplemente tendrás que cargas el lugar donde está del sql al principio del texto como he hecho
arriba con el sistema por textos:

LOADVALUE D4 "Questdiary\Misiones\Bichon1.txt" [Mision] 0

Y luego acontinuación ya poner que suba y cuando llegue a 10 o a 100 que deje de contar y si sigue estando las flags igual pues que haga algo.
El comando mas utilizado suele ser: EQUAL = Si es igual al numero.
Y se utiliza con un IF.

Ves haciendo el trabajo y exponiendolo yo te hecharé una mano en dudas que tengas si quieres ^^.

Sorry but i cant use traductor google , and i'm spanish :eek:

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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2010
Big thanks i got the idea
Gran i gracias ocurrió la idea

Found a way, big thanks to every one ;]

map quest:

0 [0] 0 [MonDie] Bull * [Mapquest_def\bull] [@Main] ;---------Once this mob is killed it direct to this script '[Mapquest_def\bull] [@Main]'

In mapquest\bull you have this script:

RANDOM 10 ;--------- The '10' theoretically is the number of monsters, can be less simetimes or more to kill eg. 1/10 basicly.
#ACT ;--------- Once 1/10 is done it goes here carrying on with the script.
GIVE Candle
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