PowerBi & Mir


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Feb 9, 2004
Hi everyone,

I’m a Mir2 player from euro days and continue to play every now and then, when time allows. I’ve recently been playing a new Mir2 server and was talking to one of the guys in my guild about how we can record and share boss drops with the rest of the guild. We’ve previously done this using excel, not exactly complicated, and easy to do but I’ve been working with PowerBi in my professional life and thought maybe it would be a fun little project to create a dashboard specifically for this, maybe a bit overkill but I thought it would make for some good practice and will help me develop my skills further.

As you can imagine, the result was a simple dashboard which allows the user to filter items by level, class and item type. It also allows the user to view boss drops. The latter is all added manually in a spreadsheet which PBi references and then automatically updates the data model.

The reason for this post is to see if any server owners would be interested in getting our heads together to see if there are other ways we can utilize PowerBi with Mir. It could be for the players, or solely for the server team, or both.

For example, in addition to the above, some other ideas could be:

  1. When are players mostly active? (login statistics):
    1. Peak hours
    2. Quiet hours
    3. What hours of the day players tend to login and out
  2. What is the average uptime and downtime of your server across a given time period
  3. An interactive player ranking view
    1. Not only can we see the usual info such as name, class, level but if we click on a players name could we view additional info? E.g:
      1. Total hours played
      2. Average time played per day, week, month
      3. Time spent at each level (if recorded?)
  4. Patches applied
    1. How many times in the year have patches been applied
    2. When have patches been applied
    3. What kind of patches have been applied (could categorize these into lists)
  5. Open bugs / issues and their status
  6. Pet taming info
  7. Undead / TS info
  8. Monster levels, and experience

Of course this will require that data is shared with me, or is at least accessible, so I don’t know how much of a problem this would be. I understand there will no doubt be concerns around trust but I wouldn't be doing this for self-gain. I’m not seeking financial payment, I am only interested in:
  1. Opportunity to practice and develop my skills
  2. A nice break from working with financial data and,
  3. Contribute something to the Mir community
Just some thoughts, if anyone is interested or has some creative ideas then please drop me a message, maybe we can come up with something interesting 😊

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May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
I was in the works of creating a program that can be used with the server to show the following:

//Item Log

-Trace Items (Current holder, Original holder)
-Statistics on;
Number of items in game.
Number of x item in game.
Rarest Item.

//Movement Log

-Statistics on;
How many times a player has been on a map.
How many times every player has been on a map.
Most visited map.
Popular cave times.

//Buff Log
-Statistics on;
Most used Buff.
Less used Buff.
Count amount of active buffs.
Count of buffs used. (Player & Whole server)

//Chat Log
-Statistics on;
Most used word.
Most messaged player.
Less used word.
Chat messages per day, week, month.
Chat messages peak times.


Feb 21, 2013
Makes sense for server owner, kind of doubtful to use as guild management.

What is missing from both posts above is monitoring gold supply, both per player and globally on server (also distribution of gold per levels). This would enable you to see if your gold sinks work, in which caves gold drops should be curbed or increased...

Such monitoring of the various server stats would be useful to help spot potential cheats. Should be able to set limits on various stats (specific item #s, gold, levels...), breaching which would trigger notification by the program.

Ideally such stats gathering program would work generally for mir2 servers based on the Crystal files.
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Dec 9, 2021
So this is going to be like a wallboard for stats or so?

It's a great idea.

I recommend what you are doing.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Definitely something more to look from a server owner / GM side

Having that visible view of seeing what bosses have dropped what and how frequent allows them to accurately see drop rates and such.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Feb 9, 2004
Makes sense for server owner, kind of doubtful to use as guild management.

What is missing from both posts above is monitoring gold supply, both per player and globally on server (also distribution of gold per levels). This would enable you to see if your gold sinks work, in which caves gold drops should be curbed or increased...

Such monitoring of the various server stats would be useful to help spot potential cheats. Should be able to set limits on various stats (specific item #s, gold, levels...), breaching which would trigger notification by the program.

Ideally such stats gathering program would work generally for mir2 servers based on the Crystal files.

I really like this idea, I'm not sure how much data is tracked though. One server owner I've spoken to has told me that he doesn't record any of this.

I'm also unsure how many server owners would be willing to work with me, and share their data.

So this is going to be like a wallboard for stats or so?

It's a great idea.

I recommend what you are doing.

I think it could be, it's just a matter of recording the data and cleaning/structuring and then creating a data model. Would be cool to track pk stats for example and do a leaderboard that way, that would be quite fun for the players and get the whole bragging rights going.

If a server can track who gets the kill, who they killed, then it could be possible to do a leaderboard in some way.
Definitely something more to look from a server owner / GM side

Having that visible view of seeing what bosses have dropped what and how frequent allows them to accurately see drop rates and such.

Yeah exactly, if it's possible to capture what bosses drop, then you can have a dashboard dedicated solely to that which will show the team exactly what items are dropping and how frequently. You could even pull in dates when bosses were killed etc, providing the data is there. I'm really not sure what is possible in terms of data collection.

Pvp balance could also be something to think about, perhaps? If we can capture damage numbers somehow, from specific classes/spells. Again, not sure what, if any, data can be captured here.. It's late and I'm just thinking :)
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Ethernity Developer
Feb 27, 2006
Mallorca, Spain
It is a good idea, maybe we would look at implementing an endpoint in the API on the Server that exposes the metrics generated with prometheus.


Dec 9, 2021
Pk stats is a good one lol

I wonder how many people pk'd each other on Euro Mir.

Including names of pkers would be biased but still pk stats would be a great idea.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Feb 9, 2004
How can we make a start on this?

Does anyone know a server owner willing to work with me on this, or anyone that knows the server side well enough to get some logs / data?

I've downloaded the crystal files so I'll play around when I have time to see what kind of data I can get my hands on but it'll be quicker and easier if I can work with someone that already knows this part :)


May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
How can we make a start on this?

Does anyone know a server owner willing to work with me on this, or anyone that knows the server side well enough to get some logs / data?

I've downloaded the crystal files so I'll play around when I have time to see what kind of data I can get my hands on but it'll be quicker and easier if I can work with someone that already knows this part :)
I’ll get you some logs so you can look through them and make sense of them. I’m hoping the proposal we spoke about earlier could be what you’re looking for.
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